Budget Section
Number Of Members: 42
October 5, 2004 - 9:00 am to 4:15 pm CDT
Committee Memorandums
June 29, 2004 - 10:00 am to 3:30 pm CDT
April 13, 2004 - 9:00 am to 2:30 pm CDT
January 14, 2004 - 9:00 am to 3:45 pm CST
October 15, 2003 - 10:00 am to 4:15 pm CDT
June 24, 2003 - 11:00 am to 3:00 pm CDT
3001 (PDF) Hold the required legislative hearings on state plans for the receipt and expenditure of new or revised block grants passed by Congress
Receive status report from the State Board of Agricultural Research and Education (NDCC § 4-05.1-19(10))
Receive statement from an ethanol production plant receiving ethanol production incentives indicating whether the plant produced a profit from its operation in the preceding fiscal year, after deducting ethanol production incentive payments received (NDCC § 4-14.1-07)
Approve use of moneys deposited in State Forester reserve account (NDCC § 4-19-01.2)
Approve any purchase of commercial or residential property by the Board of University and School Lands as sole owner (NDCC § 15-03-04)
Authorize the State Board of Higher Education to authorize construction of any building, or campus improvements and building maintenance of more than $385,000, if financed by donations (NDCC § 15-10-12.1)
Receive biennial report from each institution under the control of the State Board of Higher Education undertaking a capital construction project that was approved by the Legislative Assembly and for which local funds are to be used which details the source of all funds used in the project (NDCC § 15-10-12.3)
Receive annual report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction regarding any transfer to the state tuition fund by the Superintendent of federal or other moneys received by the Superintendent to pay programmatic administrative expenses for which the Superintendent received a state general fund appropriation (NDCC § 15.1-02-14)
Approve comprehensive statewide land acquisition plan established by the director of the Game and Fish Department and every land acquisition of more than 10 acres or exceeding $10,000 by the Game and Fish Department (NDCC § 20.1-02-05.1)
Authorize the Game and Fish Department to spend moneys in the game and fish fund if the balance would be reduced below $10 million (NDCC § 20.1-02-16.1)
Authorize Developmental Center at Westwood Park, Grafton, to provide services under contract with a governmental or nongovernmental person (NDCC § 25-04-02.2)
Approve waiver of exemption of state property in a city from special assessments levied for flood control purposes (NDCC § 40-23-22.1)
Receive annual report from the Division of Community Services on conclusions of annual audits of renaissance fund organizations (NDCC § 40-63-07)
Receive report from the commissioner of University and School Lands identifying every state agency that has not submitted a claim for property belonging to that agency (NDCC § 47-30.1-24.1)
Approve state agency relinquishment of unclaimed property belonging to that agency (NDCC § 47-30.1-24.1)
Approve the change or expansion of, or any additional expenditure for, a state building construction project approved by the Legislative Assembly (NDCC § 48-02-20)
Receive annually a report from the Public Service Commission regarding payments received under the performance assurance plan and expenditures from the performance assurance fund (NDCC § 49-21-31, effective through June 30, 2005)
Approve termination of federal food stamp or energy assistance program (NDCC § 50-06-05.1)
Receive report from Job Service North Dakota before March 1 of each year on the actual job insurance trust fund balance and the targeted modified average high-cost multiplier, as of December 31 of the previous year, and a projected trust fund balance for the next three years (NDCC § 52-02-17)
Receive reports on fiscal irregularities (NDCC § 54-14-03.1)
Approve transfers of money or spending authority which would eliminate or make impossible accomplishment of a program or objective funded by the Legislative Assembly (NDCC § 54-16-04)
Approve transfers exceeding $50,000 from one fund or line item to another unless necessary to comply with court order or to avoid imminent threat to safety or imminent financial loss to the state (NDCC § 54-16-04)
Approve Emergency Commission authorization of state officer's acceptance of federal funds in excess of $50,000 if the acceptance of funds is not necessary to avoid an imminent threat to the safety of people or property due to a natural disaster or war crisis or an imminent financial loss to the state (NDCC § 54-16-04.1)
Approve Emergency Commission authorization of state officer's expenditure of federal funds in excess of $50,000 if acceptance of funds is necessary to avoid an imminent threat to the safety of people or property due to a natural disaster or war crisis or an imminent financial loss to the state (NDCC § 54-16-04.1)
Approve Emergency Commission authorization of state officer's acceptance of funds in excess of $50,000 if the acceptance of funds is not necessary to avoid an imminent threat to the safety of people or property due to a natural disaster or war crisis or an imminent financial loss to the state (NDCC § 54-16-04.2)
Approve Emergency Commission authorization of state officer's expenditure of funds in excess of $50,000 if acceptance of funds is necessary to avoid an imminent threat to the safety of people or property due to a natural disaster or war crisis or an imminent financial loss to the state (NDCC § 54-16-04.2)
Approve Emergency Commission authorization of transfer of spending authority from the state contingencies appropriation in excess of $50,000 if the transfer is not necessary to avoid an imminent threat to the safety of people or property due to a natural disaster or war crisis or an imminent financial loss to the state (NDCC § 54-16-09)
Receive report from the director of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation on any new program that serves adult or juvenile offenders, including alternatives to conventional incarceration and programs operated on a contract basis, if the program is anticipated to cost in excess of $100,000 during a biennium (NDCC § 54-23.3-08)
Approve use of capital improvements planning revolving fund (NDCC § 54-27-22)
Approve use of cash flow financing (NDCC § 54-27-23)
Receive report on transfers of funds from the budget stabilization fund to the state general fund to offset projected decrease in general fund revenues (NDCC § 54-27.2-03)
Receive report from the director of the Office of Management and Budget on the status of tobacco settlement funds and related information (NDCC § 54-44-04)
Receive report from the Office of Management and Budget regarding any purchase of oil put options by the State Investment Board to offset reduced state general fund oil and gas tax revenues due to oil and gas prices falling below selected levels (NDCC § 54-44-16, effective through June 30, 2005)
Prescribe form of budget information prepared by the director of the budget (NDCC § 54-44.1-07)
Object to any allotment by the director of the budget, any expenditure of a budget unit, or any failure to make an allotment or expenditure if the action or failure to act is contrary to legislative intent (NDCC § 54-44.1-12.1)
Approve reduction of budgets due to initiative or referendum action (NDCC § 54-44.1-13.1)
Approve grants, not otherwise specifically approved by the Legislative Assembly, distributed by the Children's Services Coordinating Committee to children's services organizations and programs (NDCC § 54-56-03)
Approve execution by the Information Technology Department of proposed agreement to finance the purchase of software, equipment, or implementation of services in excess of $1 million (NDCC § 54-59-05(4))
Receive summary of annual report from the Information Technology Department (NDCC § 54-59-19)
Approve expenditures exceeding $130,000 a biennium by the Department of Commerce from its operating fund for web site maintenance (NDCC § 54-60-10)
Receive report annually from the Department of Commerce regarding money spent to administer an Internet web site that provides career guidance and job opportunity services (NDCC § 54-60-10)
Receive biennial report from the Workers Compensation Bureau on all revenues deposited into and expenditures from the building maintenance account of the workers' compensation fund (NDCC § 65-02-05.1)
Receive periodic reports from the Workers Compensation Bureau and the Risk Management Division of the Office of Management and Budget on the success of a single workers' compensation account for state entities covered by NDCC Chapter 32-12.2 (PDF) (NDCC § 65-04-03.1)
Authorize establishment of casualty insurance organization to provide extraterritorial workers' compensation insurance (NDCC § 65-08.1-02)
Approve obtaining and using funds from any source by the Forest Service to assist in the construction of equipment and supply storage buildings in Towner and Bottineau (2003 S.L., ch. 3, § 11)
Receive a report from the State Board of Higher Education at the first meeting of the Budget Section after July 1, 2004, regarding the internship program implemented to attract students to high-growth occupations in the state and implement a student internship program (2003 S.L., ch. 3, § 31)
Receive report from the State Department of Health on the status of outsourcing employee positions whenever reasonable (2003 S.L., ch. 4, § 13)
Receive periodic reports from a representative of the Veterans Home governing board on the status of the board's progress in developing and implementing a strategic plan for the Veterans Home during the 2003-04 interim (2003 S.L., ch. 7, § 4)
Receive report from the Veterans Home on any line item transfer of appropriation authority between line items for the 2001-03 biennium to implement changes in technology and telecommunications (2003 S.L., ch. 7, § 6)
Receive report from the Industrial Commission before November 1, 2004, regarding recommendations for merger of the Oil and Gas Division and Geological Survey (2003 S.L., ch. 15, § 14)
Receive report from the Department of Human Services after June 30, 2004, regarding any transfer of appropriation authority between line items and between subdivisions in excess of $50,000 (2003 S.L., ch. 33, § 7)
Approve transfers from the earnings and undivided profits of the Bank of North Dakota to the state general fund, not exceeding the lesser of $9million or the shortfall of actual general fund revenue collections compared to the March 2003 legislative forecast (2003 S.L., ch. 36, § 10)
Receive information from the Information Technology Department relating to the delivery of consolidated services to agencies and status of accumulated savings (2003 S.L., ch. 36, § 30; 2003 S.L., ch. 665, § 12)
Receive report in December of even-numbered years from the director of the Office of Management and Budget on specified commodities and services exempted by the director from the procurement requirements of NDCC Chapter 54-44.4 (2003 S.L., ch. 36, § 42)
Receive regular reports from the Office of Management and Budget regarding transfers of funds between line items for state agencies by the director of the Office of Management and Budget and the State Treasurer as may be requested to accommodate information technology funding reductions made by the 58th Legislative Assembly (2003 S.L., ch. 665, § 8)
Receive final report on the information technology organizational study and the information technology management study (2003 S.L., ch. 665, § 13)
Receive report at the fall 2003 and summer 2004 meetings from the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and county jails contracting to house state female inmates on the implementation and procedures of contracting with counties to house state female inmates (2003 S.L., ch. 666, § 5)
Receive periodic reports from the Office of Management and Budget on state employee positions eliminated by agencies and reported agency budgetary savings (2003 S.L., ch. 669, § 1)
Receive reports from the Office of Management and Budget and the judicial branch on the state employee salary increases provided for each year of the biennium (2003 S.L., ch. 669, § 3)
Review and report on budget data prepared by the director of the budget