2003 Regular Session (58th Legislative Assembly)
Domestic Relations
Category | Bill |
Adoption Orders, Reports, and Fees | HB 1036 |
Child Abuse Medical Testing | SB 2291 |
Child-placing Agency Licensing | HB 1037 |
Child Support and Medical Support Obligations | SB 2160 |
Corporal Punishment | SB 2174 |
Domestic Violence Lose of Civil Rights | HB 1337 |
Domestic Violence Offender Mandated Treatment | SB 2329 |
Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault Not to Be Compromised | SB 2328 |
Family Planning Programs State Nonparticipation | HB 1467 |
Foster Care License Denial Grounds | HB 1084 |
Irreconcilable Differences Eliminated as Divorce Grounds | HB 1152 |
Medical Care Liability of Spouses | HB 1267 |
Name Change Publication Exceptions | HB 1461 |
Paternity Registry | SB 2035 |
Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol or Controlled Substances | SB 2271 |
Pro Se Representation for Noncustodial Parents | HB 1401 |
Shared Custody of Children | HB 1402 |
Special Needs Adoption Eligibility | SB 2036 |
Tanf Exemption for Parent of Infant | HB 1446 |
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Compliance | SB 2155 |
Uniform Adoption Act Revisions | HB 1035 |
Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domest Violnc Prot Ords Act | HB 1072 |
Uniform Parentage Act Biological Parent References | SB 2034 |