2007 Regular Session (60th Legislative Assembly)
Workforce Safety and Insurance
Category | Bill |
Alcohol and Drug Testing Wsi Incentives | HB 1307 |
Appropriation | SB 2021 |
Audits of Wsi Independent Medical Examinations | HB 1286 |
Autopsy Report Disclosure | HB 1132 |
Budget Section Reporting Elimination | SB 2028 |
Construction of Workers' Compensation Law | HB 1283 |
Death of Disabled Employee Surviving Spouse Benefits | HB 1285 |
District Court Appeal of Wsi Decision | HB 1516 |
Firefighter & Peace Officer Presumption of Workers' Comp | SB 2042 |
Firefighters & Peace Officers Workers' Compensation Appeal | SB 2043 |
Permanent Impairment Awards for Wsi | SB 2389 |
Rehabilitation Services Pilot Programs for Wsi | HB 1287 |
Reopening Wsi Claims Presumed Closed | SB 2294 |
Social Security Disability Relation to Wsi Disability | HB 1443 |
Supplementary Benefits for Wsi Recipients | HB 1288 |
Timely Processing of Wsi Claims | SB 2342 |
Volunteer Firefighter Workers' Compensation Presumption | HB 1204 |
Workers' Compensation Additional Benefit Payable Rates | HB 1345 |
Workers' Compensation Additional Benefits | HB 1038 |
Workers' Compensation Fund | SB 2092 |
Workers' Compensation Retirement Offset | HB 1239 |
Workers' Compensation Review Committee Extended | HB 1156 |
Workforce Safety and Insurance Board of Directors | SB 2073 |
Workforce Safety and Insurance Various Changes | SB 2072 |
Wsi Benefits for Property and Vehicle Modification | HB 1411 |
Wsi Board Membership and Compensation | HB 1460 |
Wsi Board of Directors & Advisory Board | SB 2257 |
Wsi Employment, Premiums, Information, Ratings, & Discounts | SB 2123 |
Wsi Information to Insurers | HB 1517 |
Wsi Long-term Temporary Partial Disability Inflation Adj | HB 1140 |
Wsi Medical Examinations | SB 2297 |
Wsi Name Change and Advisory Board | HB 1323 |
Wsi Office of Independent Review Moved to Labor Department | SB 2292 |
Wsi Pilot Program for Out-of-state Employers | HB 1424 |
Wsi Random Alcohol and Drug Testing | HB 1493 |
Wsi Retirement Presumption for Disabled Workers | HB 1442 |