Category | Bill |
Brain Injury Advisory Council Created | HB 1085 |
Cardiac Ready Community Grant Program Established | HB 1210 |
Clinical Laboratory Practice Exemptions and Board Membership | SB 2202 |
Community Health Grant Program Repealed | SB 2004 |
Compassionate Care Act to Authorize Medical Marijuana | SB 2344 |
Coordinated Palliative Care Study | SCR 4010 |
Department of Environmental Quality Created | HB 1209 |
Drug Paraphernalia Guidelines and Syringe Exchange Program | SB 2320 |
Emergency Care for Minors | SB 2153 |
Emergency Medical Services Professional Scope of Practice | SB 2312 |
Environmental Audit Penalties | HB 1336 |
Environmental Quality Department Created | SB 2327 |
Environmental or Health and Safety Audits | HB 1336 |
Food Allergy Safety and Awareness in Food Industry Study | SCR 4011 |
Giving Hearts Day Declaration | HCR 3023 |
Health Care Directives Form | SB 2151 |
Health Council Duty to Monitor Health Care Costs and Quality Repeal | SB 2173 |
Hospital Discharge Policies | HB 1039 |
Hospital Discharge Policy Requirements | SB 2215 |
Immunization and Purchase of Vaccine | SB 2099 |
Insurance Commissioner Authority to Investigate Health Insurance Fraud | SB 2267 |
Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Regulation and Licensure | HB 1371 |
Medical Marijuana Compassionate Care Act Suspended | SB 2154 |
Medical Peer Review Entity Designated to Evaluate Controlled Substance Practices | SB 2089 |
Mobile Home Park Ejection and Eviction | SB 2306 |
Naturopath Regulation and Certification for Specialty Practice | SB 2256 |
Phenylketonuria Medical Food Program Eligibility | HB 1187 |
Phlebotomist Registration and Infectious Organism Notification Protocol | SB 2184 |
Specialty Pharmacy Services | SB 2301 |
Speech-language Pathology Assistant Regulation | SB 2172 |
Telehealth Services Health Insurance Coverage | SB 2052 |
Tobacco Prevention and Control Program Repealed | SB 2024 |
Water Resource District Approval for Deposit of Radioactive Waste Material | SB 2156 |