Category | Bill |
Agent Fees for Distributing Hunting Licenses | SB 2284 |
Airbow Hunting While Intoxicated Prohibited | SB 2155 |
Apprentice Hunter Validation for Age 12 or Older | HB 1204 |
Crossbow Hunting for Individuals Sixty-five or Older | SB 2056 |
Deer and Wild Turkey Licenses for Veterans | SB 2228 |
Eagles Protected | HB 1204 |
Firearm Safety Instruction | HB 1419 |
Fishhouse and Coyote Snare Identification | SB 2308 |
Hunter Education Requirements for Veterans | SB 2226 |
Hunting Coyotes With Artificial Light | HB 1377 |
Hunting License Lottery Preference for Applicants Over 70 Years | HB 1413 |
Hunting Lottery Bonus or Preference Points | HB 1150 |
License to Hunt Elk | HB 1396 |
Nonresident Landowner Deer Hunting License Fee for Veterans | HB 1350 |
Nonresident Waterfowl Hunting License Fees and Limits | SB 2259 |
Nonresident Waterfowl Hunting Licenses | SB 2227 |
Pheasant Season Opening Date | SB 2318 |
Posted Land Register Pilot Project | SB 2225 |
Posting of Land to Prohibit Hunting Repeal | SB 2225 |
Scopes Permitted on Muzzleloading Firearms for Licensees Over 65 | SB 2282 |
Special Allocation Hunting Licenses | HB 1025 |