SB 2266 - Testimony

A Amendment M Marked Up
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Hearing Date Time Committee Name Organization Role City
Position Document
01/31 02:00 PM Senate Industry and Business Bruce Jolly In Favor 18644
01/31 02:00 PM Senate Industry and Business Independent Community Bankers of America Bankers of America In Opposition 18669
01/31 02:00 PM Senate Industry and Business Tyler Neether Town and Country Credit Union Vice President Commercial Lending In Favor 18656
01/31 02:00 PM Senate Industry and Business Robert Erbele North Dakota State Senate Senator District 28 Lehr, ND In Favor 18655
01/31 02:00 PM Senate Industry and Business Jeff Olson Dakota Credit Union Association President/CEO In Favor 18653
01/31 02:00 PM Senate Industry and Business Mike Schenk Credit Union National Association Deputy Chief Advocacy Officer For Policy Analysis and Chief Economist In Favor 18652
01/31 02:00 PM Senate Industry and Business Darla Schafer Flasher Community Credit Union Manager/CEO In Favor 18651
01/31 02:00 PM Senate Industry and Business Bob Herrington North Star Community Credit Union President/CEO In Favor 18648
01/31 02:00 PM Senate Industry and Business Sarah Getzlaff Security First Bank of North Dakota CEO In Opposition 18646
01/31 02:00 PM Senate Industry and Business Rick Clayburgh North Dakota Bankers Association President and CEO In Opposition 18643
01/31 02:00 PM Senate Industry and Business Barry Haugen ICBND President In Opposition 18642
01/31 02:00 PM Senate Industry and Business Tim Karsky Choice Bank Executive Director Correspondent Banking In Opposition 18639
01/31 02:00 PM Senate Industry and Business Matthew Perdue North Dakota Farmers Union Government Relations Director Jamestown, ND In Favor 18174
01/31 02:00 PM Senate Industry and Business Jay Landsiedel Minot, ND In Favor 17981
01/31 02:00 PM Senate Industry and Business SHAWN P. SCHAFER Business name, if applicable Business name, if applicable Turtle Lake, ND In Favor 17831
02/06 10:08 AM Senate Industry and Business Doug Larsen North Dakota State Senate Mandan, ND In Favor 19274
03/29 09:00 AM House Industry, Business and Labor Rick Clayburgh ND In Opposition 27003
03/29 09:00 AM House Industry, Business and Labor Jeff Olson In Favor 27013
03/29 09:00 AM House Industry, Business and Labor Jorden Nelson In Opposition 27011
03/29 09:00 AM House Industry, Business and Labor Tim Karsky In Opposition 27010
03/29 09:00 AM House Industry, Business and Labor Bob Herrington In Favor 27009
03/29 09:00 AM House Industry, Business and Labor Barry Haugen Independent Community Banks of ND In Opposition 27008
03/29 09:00 AM House Industry, Business and Labor Sarah Getzlaff In Opposition 27007
03/29 09:00 AM House Industry, Business and Labor Robert Erbele ND In Favor 27005
03/29 09:00 AM House Industry, Business and Labor Rick Clayburgh ND In Opposition 27004
03/29 09:00 AM House Industry, Business and Labor Jeff Olson Dakota Credit Union Association President-CEO Bismarck, ND In Favor 26944
03/29 09:00 AM House Industry, Business and Labor Darla Schafer Flasher Community Credit Union Manager/CEO Flasher, ND In Favor 26934
03/29 09:00 AM House Industry, Business and Labor Steven E. DeLap Vue Community Credit Union CEO Bismarck, ND In Favor 26933
02/07 02:46 PM Senate Industry and Business Jerry Klein North Dakota State Senate Senator District 14 ND In Favor 19637

TESTIMONY DISCLAIMER: The Legislative Council is not responsible for the content, accuracy, or appropriateness of testimony submitted during the Legislative Session. The Legislative Council reserves the right to redact confidential or explicit information on testimony displayed to the public. The testimony displayed on this page is updated periodically to include additional submissions and might not represent a complete record of the hearing. Testimony can be submitted for future meetings held within the current Legislative Session from the Hearings tab.