SB 2330 - Video

A Amendment M Marked Up
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
02/07 09:00 AM 24 Senate Industry and Business SB 2330
02/07 09:00 AM 24 Senate Industry and Business Senator Klein -- North Dakota State Senate -- District 14 -- introduced the bill and testified in favor
02/07 09:07 AM 24 Senate Industry and Business Todd Steinwand -- President -- Bank of North Dakota -- Testified Neutral #19532
02/07 09:17 AM 24 Senate Industry and Business Kelvin Hullet -- Senior Vice President of Business Development -- Testified neutral #19532
02/07 09:31 AM 24 Senate Industry and Business Todd Steinwand -- President -- Bank of North Dakota -- Clarified returns
02/07 09:36 AM 24 Senate Industry and Business Scott Anderson -- Chief Investment Officer -- Retirement Investment Office -- Introduced Josh Kevan
02/07 09:38 AM 24 Senate Industry and Business Josh Kevan -- Senior Consultant -- RVK -- testified neutral #19492
02/07 10:04 AM 24 Senate Industry and Business Scott Anderson -- Chief Invest Officer -- Retirement Investment Office -- Testified in favor
02/07 10:22 AM 24 Senate Industry and Business David Lakefield -- Finance Director -- City of Minot -- Testified in opposition #19497
02/07 10:33 AM 24 Senate Industry and Business Scott Anderson -- Chief Investment Officer -- Answered a question for Senator Klein
02/07 10:46 AM 24 Senate Industry and Business Senator D. Larsen closed the hearing on SB 2330
02/07 02:52 PM 24 Senate Industry and Business Committee Work -- SB 2330
02/08 10:50 AM 25 Senate Industry and Business SB 2330 -- Committee Work
02/13 03:27 PM 28 Senate Industry and Business Committee Work -- SB 2330
02/13 03:43 PM 28 Senate Industry and Business Senator Barta moved DO PASS SB 2330
02/13 03:43 PM 28 Senate Industry and Business Senator Boehm seconded DO PASS SB 2330
02/13 03:44 PM 28 Senate Industry and Business Roll Call Vote -- DO PASS SB 2330 -- 5-0-0 Senator Klein will carry
02/15 02:06 PM 30 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2330 - Industry and Business - Do Pass 23.0469.03000
02/15 02:06 PM 30 Senate Senator Klein 23.0469.03000
02/15 02:14 PM 30 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2330 - Industry and Business - Do Pass - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 43 Nay 3 N/V 1 Exc 0 23.0469.03000
03/14 10:38 AM 43 House Finance and Taxation SB 2330 Hearing Begins
03/14 10:38 AM 43 House Finance and Taxation Senator Klein Introduces Bill
03/14 10:45 AM 43 House Finance and Taxation Todd Steinwand - BND President
03/14 11:01 AM 43 House Finance and Taxation Janilyn Murtha - ND Retirement and Investment Office
03/14 11:02 AM 43 House Finance and Taxation James Voytko - RVK President and Senior Consultant
03/14 11:15 AM 43 House Finance and Taxation Janilyn Murtha - ND Retirement and Investment Office
03/14 11:21 AM 43 House Finance and Taxation Matt Gardner - ND League of Cities Executive Director
03/14 11:23 AM 43 House Finance and Taxation David Lakefield - City of Minot Finance Director
03/14 11:29 AM 43 House Finance and Taxation Ryan Riesinger - Airport Association of ND President
03/14 11:35 AM 43 House Finance and Taxation Hearing Closed on SB 2330
04/11 09:00 AM 63 House Finance and Taxation Committee Work: SB 2330 (Audio and video is not available until 9:17 AM.
04/11 09:11 AM 63 House Finance and Taxation Amendment (23.0469.03004) #27426
04/11 09:12 AM 63 House Finance and Taxation Representative Bosch - explained amendments
04/11 09:17 AM 63 House Finance and Taxation Representative Bosch moved the amendments
04/11 09:18 AM 63 House Finance and Taxation Representative Dockter seconded
04/11 09:19 AM 63 House Finance and Taxation Roll Call Vote - Motion Carried - 12-0-2
04/11 09:19 AM 63 House Finance and Taxation Representative Bosch additional discussion
04/11 09:21 AM 63 House Finance and Taxation Representative Bosch moved a Do Pass as amended on SB 2330.
04/11 09:21 AM 63 House Finance and Taxation Representative Dockter seconded
04/11 09:21 AM 63 House Finance and Taxation Roll Call Vote - Motion Carried - 12-0-2
04/11 09:22 AM 63 House Finance and Taxation Adjourned
04/12 08:14 AM 64 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2330 - Finance and Taxation - Do Pass 23.0469.04000
04/12 08:15 AM 64 House Representative Bosch 23.0469.04000
04/12 08:17 AM 64 House Representative Kempenich 23.0469.04000
04/12 08:19 AM 64 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2330 - Finance and Taxation - Do Pass - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 90 Nay 0 N/V 4 Exc 0 23.0469.04000
04/19 03:59 PM 67 Conference Committee SB 2330
04/20 10:01 AM 68 Conference Committee SB 2330
04/20 10:03 AM 68 Conference Committee Scott Anderson - Chief Investment Officer - RIO - provided information for the committee
04/20 10:29 AM 68 Conference Committee Adjourned
04/20 03:03 PM 68 Conference Committee SB 2330
04/20 03:05 PM 68 Conference Committee Scott Anderson - Chief Investment Officer - RIO - answered questions for the committee
04/20 03:20 PM 68 Conference Committee Adjourned
04/21 02:05 PM 69 Conference Committee SB 2330
04/21 02:08 PM 69 Conference Committee Greg Tehven - CEO & Founder - Emerging Prairie - answered questions for the committee
04/21 02:17 PM 69 Conference Committee Randy Schneider - CPA and President - Pioneer Capital Fund - answered questions for the committee
04/21 02:29 PM 69 Conference Committee Greg Tehven - CEO & Founder - Emerging Prairie - provided information for the committee
04/21 02:30 PM 69 Conference Committee Adjourned
04/22 09:01 AM Conference Committee SB 2330
04/22 09:02 AM Conference Committee Representative Bosch - Introduced proposed amendments verbally
04/22 09:05 AM Conference Committee Representative Headland - Moved the Senate Accede to the House Amendments and Further Amend - [Change 40 million to 20 million - Emergency clause on Section 2]
04/22 09:05 AM Conference Committee Senator D. Larsen - Seconded the motion
04/22 09:05 AM Conference Committee Roll Call Vote - 6-0-0 - Motion passed
04/22 09:06 AM Conference Committee Adjourned
04/25 12:50 PM 71 Senate 7th Order - Consideration of Committee Report - SB2330 - Industry and Business - Conference Committee 23.0469.03000
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04/25 12:50 PM 71 Senate Senator Klein 23.0469.03000
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04/25 12:55 PM 71 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2330 - Industry and Business - Conference Committee 23.0469.05000
04/25 12:55 PM 71 Senate Senator Klein 23.0469.05000
04/25 12:56 PM 71 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2330 - Industry and Business - Conference Committee - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 47 Nay 0 N/V 0 Exc 0 23.0469.05000
04/26 08:16 AM 72 House 7th Order - Consideration of Committee Report - SB2330 - Finance and Taxation - Conference Committee 23.0469.03000
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04/26 08:17 AM 72 House Representative Bosch 23.0469.03000
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04/26 08:18 AM 72 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2330 - Finance and Taxation - Conference Committee 23.0469.05000
04/26 08:19 AM 72 House Representative Bosch 23.0469.05000
04/26 08:19 AM 72 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2330 - Finance and Taxation - Conference Committee - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 92 Nay 0 N/V 2 Exc 0 23.0469.05000