HB 1025 - Testimony

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Hearing Date Time Committee Name Organization Role City
Position Document
01/16 09:00 AM House Energy and Natural Resources Gordon Greenstein Bismarck, ND In Favor 28514
01/16 09:00 AM House Energy and Natural Resources Josh Loosmore Peritiacon LLC President Bismarck, ND In Favor 29014
01/16 09:00 AM House Energy and Natural Resources Reice Haase Department of Water Resources Director Bismarck, ND In Favor 29170
01/16 09:00 AM House Energy and Natural Resources Dennis Pathroff Power Companies of North Dakota Bismarck, ND In Favor 29236
01/16 09:00 AM House Energy and Natural Resources Christine Csizmadia Nuclear Energy Institute Senior Director, State Government Affairs & Advocacy Washington, DC In Favor 29326
01/16 09:00 AM House Energy and Natural Resources tyler hamman EERC Assistant Vice President for Strategic Partnerships Grand Forks, ND Neutral 29394
01/16 09:00 AM House Energy and Natural Resources Pamela gorman prochaska xcel energy xcel energy Woodbury, MN In Favor 29418
01/16 09:00 AM House Energy and Natural Resources david j. hogue ND State Senate Senator Minot, ND In Favor 29417
02/03 08:30 AM House Appropriations Dick Anderson ND Legislative Assembly Representative In Favor 33693
03/06 10:30 AM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Dennis Pathroff Power Companies of North Dakota Bismarck, ND In Favor 38635
03/06 10:30 AM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Reice Haase Department of Water Resources Director Bismarck, ND In Favor 38904
03/06 10:30 AM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Beth Feldner Xcel Energy Community Relations and Government Affairs Manager Minot, ND In Favor 39014
03/06 10:30 AM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Randy Christmann Public Service Commission Chair Bismarck, ND Neutral 39044
03/06 10:30 AM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Tyler Hamman EERC Assistant Vice President for Strategic Partnerships Bismarck, ND In Favor 39092
03/06 10:30 AM Senate Energy and Natural Resources David Hogue North Dakota State Senate Senator ND In Favor 39251
03/13 10:12 AM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Greg Kessel North Dakota State Senate Senator ND Neutral 41343

TESTIMONY DISCLAIMER: The Legislative Council is not responsible for the content, accuracy, or appropriateness of testimony submitted during the Legislative Session. The Legislative Council reserves the right to redact confidential or explicit information on testimony displayed to the public. The testimony displayed on this page is updated periodically to include additional submissions and might not represent a complete record of the hearing. Testimony can be submitted for future meetings held within the current Legislative Session from the Hearings tab.