HB 1025 - Video

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/16 09:00 AM 6 House Energy and Natural Resources HB 1025
01/21 09:50 AM 9 House Industry, Business and Labor ru
01/21 09:50 AM 9 House Industry, Business and Labor f
02/03 08:32 AM 18 House Appropriations Committee Work - HB 1025
02/03 10:08 AM 18 House Appropriations Committee Work - HB 1025
02/03 10:12 AM 18 House Appropriations Roll Call Vote on Amendment - Motion Passed - 19-2-2
02/03 10:24 AM 18 House Appropriations Roll Call Vote on Do Pass as Amended - Motion Failed - 8-14-1
02/03 10:27 AM 18 House Appropriations o
02/03 10:28 AM 18 House Appropriations Roll Call Vote on Do Not Pass as Amended - Motion Passed - 15-7-1
02/03 10:31 AM 18 House Appropriations Meeting Adjourned
02/06 10:25 AM 21 House Appropriations HB 1025
02/06 10:26 AM 21 House Appropriations Representative Brandenburg Moved to Reconsider Action on HB 1025
02/06 10:27 AM 21 House Appropriations Voice Vote - Motion Carried
02/06 10:28 AM 21 House Appropriations branden
02/06 10:28 AM 21 House Appropriations mits
02/06 10:31 AM 21 House Appropriations Roll Call Vote 16-6-1 Motion Carried
02/06 10:33 AM 21 House Appropriations Recess
02/11 06:39 PM 24 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1025 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0429.04000
02/11 06:40 PM 24 House Representative Mitskog 25.0429.04000
02/11 06:44 PM 24 House Representative D. Anderson 25.0429.04000
02/11 06:45 PM 24 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1025 - Appropriations - Do Pass - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 81 Nay 8 N/V 5 Exc 0 25.0429.04000
03/06 10:39 AM Senate Energy and Natural Resources HB 1025
03/07 09:41 AM 35 Senate Energy and Natural Resources HB 1025
03/13 10:12 AM 39 Senate Energy and Natural Resources HB 1025
03/13 10:17 AM 39 Senate Energy and Natural Resources HB 1025
03/14 12:39 PM 40 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1025 - Energy and Natural Resources - Do Pass 25.0429.04000
25.0429.04001 A
25.0429.05000 E
03/14 12:39 PM 40 Senate Senator Kessel 25.0429.04000
25.0429.04001 A
25.0429.05000 E