A | Amendment | S | SPA | |
E | Engrossment | $ | Fiscal Note | |
HJ | House Journal | SJ | Senate Journal |
Hearing Date | Time | Committee | Name | Organization | Role | City State |
Position | Document Number |
01/09 | 11:30 AM | Senate State and Local Government | Wayde Swenson | NDDOT | Office of Operations Director | BISMARCK, ND | Neutral | 28241 |
01/09 | 11:30 AM | Senate State and Local Government | Sheri Haugen-Hoffart | Public Service Commission | Commissioner | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 28237 |
01/09 | 11:30 AM | Senate State and Local Government | Matt Fischer | North Dakota Insurance Department | Division Director of Company Licensing & Examinations | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 28281 |
01/09 | 11:30 AM | Senate State and Local Government | Cecile Wehrman | North Dakota Newspaper Association | Bismarck, ND | In Opposition | 28268 | |
02/11 | 08:31 AM | Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division | Cecile Wehrman | North Dakota Newspaper Association | Executive Director | Bismarck, ND | In Opposition | 36242 |
02/11 | 08:31 AM | Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division | Cecile Wehrman | North Dakota Newspaper Association | Executive Director | Bismarck, ND | In Opposition | 37153 |
02/13 | 11:18 AM | Senate Appropriations | Senator Sickler | State of ND | ND | In Favor | 37627 | |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Daniel Nairn | North Dakota Planning Association | Board Member | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 40246 |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Tara Klostreich | Daily News and News Monitor | Publisher | Wahpeton, ND | In Opposition | 41032 |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Connie Hoffman | Private Citizen | Fargo, ND | In Opposition | 41181 | |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Terry Schwartzenberger | Napoleon Homestead | Owner/Publisher | NAPOLEON, ND | In Opposition | 41333 |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Beth Johnson | THE GLEANER | Johnson Publishing | Northwood, ND | In Opposition | 41345 |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Mary Kilen | Mountrail County Promoter, Inc. | Editor/Publisher | Stanley, ND | In Opposition | 41346 |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Jackie Thompson | The Walsh County Record | Grafton, ND | In Opposition | 41357 | |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Kelsey Majeske | NorDak Publishing | NorDak Publishing | Linton, ND | In Opposition | 41371 |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Cecile Wehrman | North Dakota Newspaper Association | Executive Director | Bismarck, ND | In Opposition | 41400 |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Aaron Becher | Forum Communications Company | Forum Communications Company | Fargo, ND | In Opposition | 41402 |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Steve Andrist | Bismarck, ND | In Opposition | 41405 | ||
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Paul Erdelt | Steele Ozone | Steele Ozone | Steele, ND | In Opposition | 41428 |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Katie Winbauer | North Dakota Newspaper Association | Lobbyist/Attorney | Bismarck, ND | In Opposition | 41429 |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Allison Olimb | North Dakota Newspaper Association | President | Crystal, ND | In Opposition | 41431 |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Allison Olimb | North Dakota Newspaper Association | President | Crystal, ND | In Opposition | 41432 |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Jonathan Fortner | Lignite Energy Council | VP of Government Relations | BISMARCK, ND | In Favor | 41446 |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Amy Wobbema | Trancript Publishing | Publisher | New Rockford, ND | In Opposition | 41463 |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Kory J. Peterson | League of Cities | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 41467 | |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | John R. Arnold | North Dakota insurance Department | Deputy Commissioner | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 41475 |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Sheri Haugen-Hoffart | Public Service Commission | Commissioner | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 41476 |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Allan and Leah Burke | Emmons County Record | Retired publishers | Linton, ND | In Opposition | 41477 |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Jean Schafer | Basin Electric Power Cooperative | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 41480 | |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Victor Schock | Director of Public Utilities | bismarck, ND | In Favor | 41504 | |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Michael Howe | North Dakota Secretary of State | Bismarck, ND | In Opposition | 41535 | |
03/14 | 09:00 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Dennis Pathroff | GA Group | Lobbyist | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 41546 |
03/14 | 11:18 AM | House Political Subdivisions | Lawrence Klemin | North Dakota Representative for District 47 | Neutral | 41560 |
TESTIMONY DISCLAIMER: The Legislative Council is not responsible for the content, accuracy, or appropriateness of testimony submitted during the Legislative Session. The Legislative Council reserves the right to redact confidential or explicit information on testimony displayed to the public. The testimony displayed on this page is updated periodically to include additional submissions and might not represent a complete record of the hearing. Testimony can be submitted for future meetings held within the current Legislative Session from the Hearings tab.