SB 2069 - Video

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/09 11:30 AM Senate State and Local Government SB 2069
01/09 11:30 AM Senate State and Local Government Sheri Haugen-Hoffart - Commisioner - Public Service Commision - Introduced - Testimony #28237
01/09 11:38 AM Senate State and Local Government Matt Fischer - Division Director - North Dakota Insurance Department - In Favor - #28281
01/09 11:39 AM Senate State and Local Government Cecile Wehrman - Lobbyist -ND Newspaper Association - Opposed - Testimony #28268
01/09 11:58 AM Senate State and Local Government Dani Quissell - ND Water Resources Districts Association - Lobbyist - Opposed
01/09 12:02 PM Senate State and Local Government Sandy McMerty - Deputy Secretary of State - testified as Neutral
01/09 12:08 PM Senate State and Local Government Wayde Swenson - Dept of Transportation - testified neutral #28241
01/09 12:10 PM Senate State and Local Government Sherry Neas - OMB - testified as neutral
01/09 12:13 PM Senate State and Local Government Recess
01/09 01:50 PM Senate State and Local Government Committee Work - SB 2069
01/09 01:52 PM Senate State and Local Government wa
01/09 01:52 PM Senate State and Local Government Motion fails per lack of a second
01/09 02:05 PM Senate State and Local Government Recess
01/09 02:29 PM Senate State and Local Government Committee Work - SB 2069
01/09 02:32 PM Senate State and Local Government Adjourned
01/23 03:17 PM 11 Senate State and Local Government Committee Work - SB 2069
01/30 03:18 PM 16 Senate State and Local Government Committee Work - SB 2069
01/30 03:31 PM 16 Senate State and Local Government Senator Barta - Moved a Do Pass on SB 2069 as Amended
01/30 03:34 PM 16 Senate State and Local Government Roll Call Vote on SB 2069 as Amended - Motion Passed -6-0-0
02/03 01:09 PM 18 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2069 - State and Local Government - Do Pass 25.8065.01000
25.8065.01003 A
25.8065.02000 E
02/03 01:09 PM 18 Senate Senator Roers 25.8065.01000
25.8065.01003 A
25.8065.02000 E
02/11 08:30 AM 24 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Committee Work: SB 2069
02/11 08:38 AM 24 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Sandra McMerty - Deputy Secretary of State - ND Secretary of State - Testified Neutrally
02/11 08:41 AM 24 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division John Arnold - Deputy Commissioner - ND Insurance Department - Testified In Favor
02/11 08:49 AM 24 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Sandra McMerty - Additional Testimony
02/11 09:03 AM 24 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Victor Schock - ND Public Service Commission - Testified In Favor
02/11 09:07 AM 24 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Hearing Closed
02/11 10:46 AM 24 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Committee Work: SB 2069
02/11 11:15 AM 24 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Committee Work: SB 2069
02/11 11:20 AM 24 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Roll Call Vote on Amendment - Motion Passed - 4-1-0
02/11 11:22 AM 24 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Roll Call Vote on a Do Pass as Amended - Motion Passed - 3-2-0
02/11 11:25 AM 24 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Recess
02/13 11:18 AM 26 Senate Appropriations SB 2069 Committee work
02/13 11:18 AM 26 Senate Appropriations Senator Sickler Introduced SB 2069 and amendment #37627
02/13 11:21 AM 26 Senate Appropriations Senator Sickler moved SB 2069 and Amendment 25.8065.02001
02/13 11:21 AM 26 Senate Appropriations Motion passed 15-1-1
02/13 11:21 AM 26 Senate Appropriations seconded
02/13 11:22 AM 26 Senate Appropriations Senator Sickler Moved Do Pass SB 2069 as Amended
02/13 11:22 AM 26 Senate Appropriations seconded
02/13 11:25 AM 26 Senate Appropriations Motion passed 9-7-0
02/18 01:26 PM 29 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2069 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.8065.02000
25.8065.02001 A
25.8065.03000 E
02/18 01:26 PM 29 Senate Senator Sickler 25.8065.02000
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25.8065.03000 E
02/19 02:56 PM 30 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2069 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.8065.03000
02/19 02:56 PM 30 Senate Senator Sickler 25.8065.03000
02/19 02:57 PM 30 Senate Senator Cleary 25.8065.03000
02/19 02:58 PM 30 Senate Senator Roers 25.8065.03000
02/19 02:59 PM 30 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2069 - Appropriations - Do Pass - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 25 Nay 22 N/V 0 Exc 0 25.8065.03000