SB 2208 - Testimony

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Hearing Date Time Committee Name Organization Role City
Position Document
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Travis KUHLKA GLEN ULLIN, ND In Opposition 36159
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Sandra J. Rupp Edgeley, ND In Opposition 36319
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Steven M. Rupp Edgeley, ND In Opposition 36321
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Ricky B. Schlecht Kulm, ND In Opposition 36340
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources kathy jacobson kulm, ND In Opposition 36346
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Brittany Fleck Edgeley, ND In Opposition 36679
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Steven Nagel Bismarck, ND In Opposition 36859
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Doug L. Pearson Bismarck, ND In Opposition 36912
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Joanna Larson rancher, farmer, engineer Sheyenne, ND In Opposition 36945
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Lucas Wald Edgeley, ND In Opposition 36966
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Jill Wald Edgeley, ND In Opposition 36968
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Jerol W. Gohrick Lindahl Township supervisor McGregor, ND In Opposition 36992
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Lee Duckworth west fargo, ND In Opposition 37028
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Josey L. Milbradt Bismarck, ND In Opposition 37033
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources
Richard Schlosser Edgeley, ND In Opposition
Mary Schlosser Edgeley, ND In Opposition
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Dustin Gawrylow North Dakota Watchdog Network North Dakota Watchdog Network Bismarck, ND In Opposition 37072
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Jason J. Hildenbrand Monango, ND In Opposition 37103
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Richard Long Berlin, ND In Opposition 37140
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Gordon Greenstein Bismarck, ND In Opposition 37277
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Zachary D. Cassidy DRC Organizer Bismarck, ND In Opposition 37171
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Zachary D. Cassidy DRC Organizer Bismarck, ND In Opposition 37173
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Samuel A. Wagner Casselton, ND In Opposition 37214
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Susan R. Long Berlin, ND In Opposition 37223
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Dustin Gawrylow North Dakota Watchdog Network North Dakota Watchdog Network Bismarck, ND In Opposition 37340
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Joe Mongeon Rolette, ND In Opposition 37355
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Debra Wald Edgeley, ND In Opposition 37360
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Johanna Mongeon Rolette, ND In Opposition 37372
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Julie Hess Jud, ND In Opposition 37381
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Clinton Hoggarth Mayor of LaMoure North Dakota LaMoure, ND In Opposition 37432
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Chelsey B. Wald Edgeley, ND In Opposition 37434
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Rick Braaten Bowman County Chairman, Board of Commissioners Bowman, ND In Opposition 37464
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Jaye Sandstrom self New Town, ND In Opposition 37482
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Wayne Wald Edgeley, ND In Opposition 37486
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Kathrin Volochenko Nonpartisan League Treasurer Kief, ND In Opposition 37505
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Ben J. Mickelson Concerned Citizen Jamestown, ND In Opposition 37520
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Michael D. Connelly Citizen Citizen BISMARCK, ND In Opposition 37537
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources CarolLee Carruth Ellendale, ND In Opposition 37545
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Lanny D. Kenner Bismarck, ND In Favor 37547
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources David G. Moch david moch david moch Hazelton, ND In Opposition 37556
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Matt Herman ASHLEY, ND In Opposition 37579
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Levi Taylor Ypsilanti, ND In Opposition 37594
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Holly Wald Edgeley, ND In Opposition 37598
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Cody Rupp Rupp Farms Edgeley, ND In Opposition 37604
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Charlie Sorenson Ross, ND In Opposition 37640
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources David Berger Oliver County Oliver County Commissioner Center, ND In Opposition 37619
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Jaden Schmidt Oliver County Auditor Center, ND In Opposition 37632
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Jacob Emo Jamestown, ND In Opposition 37634
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Brandon Schweigert Edgeley, ND In Opposition 37643
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Cynthia Olson Abercrombie, ND In Opposition 37644
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Tim Leppert Edgeley, ND In Opposition 37646
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Barb A. ORR Ypsilanti, ND In Opposition 37647
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Shawn Paczkowski City of Abercrombie Mayor Abercrombie, ND In Opposition 37649
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Erik A. Olson Abercrombie, ND In Opposition 37651
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Jason Bohrer Lignite Energy Council President and CEO BISMARCK, ND In Favor 37654
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources James Leppert Dickey, ND In Opposition 37656
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Craig Miller Emmons County Commission County Commissioner ND In Opposition 37659
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Ron Ness NDPC President ND In Favor 37662
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Matt Perdue North Dakota Famers Union In Opposition 37665
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Erin Magrum Emmons County Commissioner In Opposition 37669
02/13 02:30 PM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Troy Coons Northwest Landowners Association Chairman In Opposition 37671
02/20 09:57 AM Senate Energy and Natural Resources Dale Patten North Dakota State Senate Senator ND Neutral 38240

TESTIMONY DISCLAIMER: The Legislative Council is not responsible for the content, accuracy, or appropriateness of testimony submitted during the Legislative Session. The Legislative Council reserves the right to redact confidential or explicit information on testimony displayed to the public. The testimony displayed on this page is updated periodically to include additional submissions and might not represent a complete record of the hearing. Testimony can be submitted for future meetings held within the current Legislative Session from the Hearings tab.