A | Amendment | S | SPA | |
E | Engrossment | $ | Fiscal Note | |
HJ | House Journal | SJ | Senate Journal |
Hearing Date | Time | Committee | Name | Organization | Role | City State |
Position | Document Number |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Sarah Lanford | Association for Clinical Oncology | Associate Director, State Advocacy | Alexandria, VA | In Favor | 34513 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Alex Young | American Council of Life Insurers | Legislative Director | Washington, DC | In Opposition | 34635 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Kirsten Dvorak | The Arc of North Dakota | Executive Director | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 34639 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Courtney McNamee | Altru Health System | Grand Forks, ND | In Favor | 34651 | |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Cindy K. Flom-Meland | APTA North Dakota | President | Grand Forks, ND | In Favor | 34816 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Todd Neiss | Bismarck Surgical Associates, LLC | Business Manager | Bismarck ND, ND | In Favor | 34818 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | J'Patrick Fahn | NDMA | Physician member | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 34848 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Tim Blasl | North Dakota Hospital Association | President | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 34865 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Tim Blasl | North Dakota Hospital Association | President | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 34868 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Shane Goettle | American Cancer Society - Cancer Action Network | Lobbyist | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 35022 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Janelle Moos | AARP ND | Associate State Director Advocacy | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 35041 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Shelly A. Ten Napel | Community HealthCare Association of the Dakotas (CHAD) | CEO | Sioux Falls, SD | In Favor | 35269 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Shelly A. Ten Napel | Community HealthCare Association of the Dakotas (CHAD) | CEO | Sioux Falls, SD | In Favor | 35270 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Aaron Heigaard Smith | ACC North Dakota-Great Plains Chapter | Fargo, ND | In Favor | 35277 | |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Allen Hager | North Dakota Chiropractic Association | President | Fargo, ND | In Favor | 35305 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Andrew Askew | Essentia Health | Vice President, Public Policy | Fargo, ND | In Favor | 35331 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Brenda Bosch | Pain Treatment Center Anesthesiologists PC | Clinic Manager | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 35341 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Ben W. Hanson | American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | Government Relations Director | Fargo, ND | In Favor | 35352 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Ben W. Hanson | American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network | Government Relations Director | Fargo, ND | In Favor | 35353 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Alexander Kelsch | AHIP | Lobbyist | Mandan, ND | In Opposition | 35356 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Marcus P. Caruso | Prime Therapeutics | Government Affairs Principal | Hugo, MN | In Opposition | 35358 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Michelle Mack | Pharmaceutical Care Management Association (PCMA) | Senior Director, State Affairs | Waconia, MN | In Opposition | 35369 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Bobbie Will | Self | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 35371 | |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Susan M. Finneman | consumer | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 35373 | |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Carlotta McCleary | Mental Health America of ND and ND Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health | Executive Director | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 35379 |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Joan M. Connell | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 35420 | ||
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Megan Hruby | Blue Cross Blue Shield | Bismarck, ND | In Opposition | 37488 | |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Dylan C. Wheeler | Government Affairs for Sanford Health Plan | ND | In Opposition | 37866 | |
02/05 | 02:30 PM | Senate Industry and Business | Dylan C. Wheeler | Government Affairs for Sanford Health Plan | ND | In Opposition | 37867 | |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Courtney McNamee | Altru Health System | Grand Forks, ND | In Favor | 41505 | |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Sarah Lanford | Association for Clinical Oncology | Association for Clinical Oncology | Alexandria, VA | In Favor | 41563 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Bobbie L. Will | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 41642 | ||
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Carrie M. Varner | Harvey, ND | In Favor | 41794 | ||
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Marcus Lewis | North Dakota Hospital Association | President | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 41880 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Tim Blasl | North Dakota Hospital Association | President | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 41882 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Shane Goettle | American Cancer Society - Cancer Action Network | Lobbyist | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 41899 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Aaron Smith | ACC North Dakota-Great Plains Chapter | Member | Fargo, ND | In Favor | 41921 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Emily A. Bakkum | Resident of Fargo, ND | Self | Fargo, ND | In Favor | 41924 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Bryan J. Seeley | Elmwood Family Dentistry | Dentist | West Fargo, ND | In Favor | 41956 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Shelly Ten Napel | Community HealthCare Association of the Dakotas | CEO | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 42057 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Kirsten Dvorak | The Arc of North Dakota | Executive director | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 42136 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Brenda Ruehl | Protection & Advocacy | Director Program Services | Fargo, ND | In Favor | 42137 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Bianca Balale | National Association of Dental Plans (NADP) | Director of Government Relations | Dallas, TX | In Opposition | 42163 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Joan M. Connell | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 42167 | ||
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Janelle Moos | AARP ND | Associate State Director Advocacy | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 42231 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Alex Young | American Council of Life Insurers | Legislative Director | Washington, DC | In Opposition | 42291 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Susan M. Finneman | Susan Finneman | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 42367 | |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Dylan Wheeler | Sanford Health Plan | Head of Government Affairs | Sioux Falls, SD | Neutral | 42370 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Carlotta McCleary | Mental Health America of North Dakota & ND Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health | Executive Director | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 42393 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Duncan B. Ackerman | The Bone & Joint Center | President | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 42428 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Alexander Kelsch | America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) | Lobbyist | Mandan, ND | In Opposition | 42444 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Scott Meyer | Representative | ND | In Favor | 42490 | |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Shane Goettle | American Cancer Society | Lobbyist | ND | In Favor | 42494 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Duncan Ackerman | Bone and Joint Center | President | ND | In Favor | 42537 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Andy Askew | Public Policy-Essentia Health | Vice President | ND | In Favor | 42553 |
03/17 | 02:30 PM | House Industry, Business and Labor | Megan Hruby | blue Cross Blue Shield | ND | In Opposition | 42523 |
TESTIMONY DISCLAIMER: The Legislative Council is not responsible for the content, accuracy, or appropriateness of testimony submitted during the Legislative Session. The Legislative Council reserves the right to redact confidential or explicit information on testimony displayed to the public. The testimony displayed on this page is updated periodically to include additional submissions and might not represent a complete record of the hearing. Testimony can be submitted for future meetings held within the current Legislative Session from the Hearings tab.