SB 2003 - Video

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/08 01:03 PM Senate Appropriations Committee Work - SB 2003
01/08 01:03 PM Senate Appropriations Tim Mihalick - State Board of Higher Education - Chairman - ND University System - Presented Overview of Higher Education System - P 1 - 5 - #28254
01/08 01:03 PM Senate Appropriations Tim Mihalick - Additional Testimony #30511
01/08 01:17 PM Senate Appropriations Mark Hagerott - ND University System - Chancellor - ND University System - Presented Overview of ND Higher Education Enrollment - P 6 - 9 - #28254
01/08 01:20 PM Senate Appropriations Jerry Rostad - ND University System - Vice Chancellor for Strategic Engagement - Presented Overview of ND Workforce - P 12 - 17 - #28254
01/08 01:23 PM Senate Appropriations Sammi Weber - President - ND Student Association - ND University System - Presented Overview of Student Vitality - P 10 - 11 - #28254 & #30517
01/08 01:36 PM Senate Appropriations Todd Pringle - Director - Dakota Digital Academy - ND University System - Presented Overview of Digital Education - P 18 - 21 - #28254
01/08 02:04 PM Senate Appropriations Thomas Danford - Vice Chancellor for Information Technology - CIO ND University System - Overview of Technology Challenges & Considerations - P 22 - 24 - #28254
01/08 02:20 PM Senate Appropriations Lisa Johnson - Vice Chancellor - Academic & Student Affairs - ND University System - Overview of NDUS enrollment & Workforce - P 25 - 27 - #28254
01/08 02:30 PM Senate Appropriations David Krebsbach - Vice Chancellor - Administrative Affairs - ND University System - Overview of ND University System General Fund - P 28 - 39 - #28254
01/08 03:01 PM Senate Appropriations Nathan Davis - Executive Director - ND Tribal Council - #30515
01/08 03:07 PM Senate Appropriations Committee Work Adjorned
01/15 01:57 PM 5 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - NDUS Office
01/15 02:34 PM 5 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - NDSU
01/15 03:28 PM 5 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - Forest Service
01/15 03:59 PM 5 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - VCSU
01/16 08:30 AM 6 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - Williston State College
01/16 09:26 AM 6 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - Mayville State University
01/16 10:24 AM 6 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - Lake Region State College
01/16 11:14 AM 6 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - NDSCS
01/16 02:16 PM 6 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - Dickinson State University
01/16 03:20 PM 6 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - Bismarck State College
01/17 08:31 AM 7 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - UND
01/17 09:59 AM 7 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - School of Medicine and Health Science
01/20 08:34 AM 8 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - Minot State University
01/20 09:18 AM 8 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - Dakota College at Bottineau
01/20 02:27 PM 8 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - Tribal Colleges
01/20 03:17 PM 8 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003
01/20 03:38 PM 8 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - North Dakota Veterinary Medical Association
01/21 08:32 AM 9 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - Economic Diversification and Research Fund
01/21 10:13 AM 9 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - Challenge Grant
01/28 08:32 AM 14 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Committee Work - SB 2003
01/29 02:30 PM 15 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Committee Work - SB 2003
01/31 09:43 AM 17 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Committee Work - SB 2003 - Forest Service
02/05 08:34 AM 20 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - NDSU
02/05 09:24 AM 20 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - Valley City State University
02/05 09:59 AM 20 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - Dickinson State University
02/05 10:31 AM 20 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - Mayville State University
02/05 02:12 PM 20 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003: Lake Region State College
02/05 02:21 PM 20 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003: ND State College of Science
02/05 03:11 PM 20 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003: Bismarck State College
02/07 08:31 AM 22 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - Minot State University
02/07 08:57 AM 22 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - Dakota College at Bottineau
02/07 09:27 AM 22 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - University of North Dakota
02/07 10:01 AM 22 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - UND School of Medicine and Health Sciences
02/07 10:44 AM 22 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003 - Williston State College
02/11 08:34 AM 24 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Committee Work: SB 2003
02/17 09:15 AM 28 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Committee Work: SB 2003
02/18 10:01 AM 29 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Committee Work: SB 2003 - #37979
02/18 03:32 PM 29 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Committee Work: SB 2003
02/20 09:57 AM 31 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Committee Work: SB 2003
02/21 09:37 AM 32 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Committee Work - SB 2003
02/24 01:02 PM 33 Senate Appropriations Committee Work - SB 2003
02/24 01:03 PM 33 Senate Appropriations Senator Sorvaag Introduced SB 2003 and Amendment 25.0170.01004 - #38355
02/24 01:53 PM 33 Senate Appropriations Senator Sorvaag Moved Do Pass SB 2003 Amendment 25.0170.01004
02/24 02:02 PM 33 Senate Appropriations Senator Sorvaag Moved Do Pass SB 2003 as Amended
02/25 01:03 PM 34 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2003 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0170.01000
25.0170.01004 A
25.0170.01004 S
25.0170.02000 E
02/25 01:03 PM 34 Senate Senator Sorvaag 25.0170.01000
25.0170.01004 A
25.0170.01004 S
25.0170.02000 E
02/25 01:31 PM 34 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2003 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0170.02000
02/25 01:32 PM 34 Senate Senator Sorvaag 25.0170.02000
02/25 01:33 PM 34 Senate Senator Wanzek 25.0170.02000
02/25 01:34 PM 34 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2003 - Appropriations - Floor Amendment 25.0170.02000
25.0170.02001 A
25.0170.02001 S
25.0170.03000 E
02/25 01:34 PM 34 Senate Senator Wanzek 25.0170.02000
25.0170.02001 A
25.0170.02001 S
25.0170.03000 E
02/25 01:37 PM 34 Senate Senator Sorvaag 25.0170.02000
25.0170.02001 A
25.0170.02001 S
25.0170.03000 E
02/25 01:39 PM 34 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2003 - Appropriations - Floor Amendment 25.0170.02000
25.0170.02001 A
25.0170.02001 S
25.0170.03000 E
02/25 01:40 PM 34 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2003 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0170.02000
02/25 01:40 PM 34 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2003 - Appropriations - Do Pass - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 44 Nay 2 N/V 1 Exc 0 25.0170.02000
03/05 02:33 PM House Appropriations Committee Work - SB 2003
03/10 08:07 AM 36 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003
03/10 02:32 PM 36 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003
03/11 08:04 AM 37 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003
03/11 02:33 PM 37 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003
03/12 08:33 AM 38 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003
03/12 02:30 PM 38 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003
03/13 10:46 AM 39 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2003