SB 2104 - Video

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/21 10:01 AM 9 Senate Education Chairman Todd Beard - Introduced SB 2104
01/21 10:02 AM 9 Senate Education SB 2104
01/21 10:05 AM 9 Senate Education Kimberly Hurst - Citizen - In Favor - #30388
01/21 10:11 AM 9 Senate Education Karen Krenz - Citizen - In Favor - #30390
01/21 10:13 AM 9 Senate Education Mark Jorritsma - Executive Director - North Dakota Family Alliance Legislative Action - In Favor - #30421
01/21 10:24 AM 9 Senate Education Linda Thorson - Concerned Women for America of North Dakota - State Director - In Favor - #29808
01/21 10:29 AM 9 Senate Education Michael Heilman – Executive Director - North Dakota Small Organized Schools - Opposed - #30233
01/21 10:40 AM 9 Senate Education Aimee Copas - North Dakota Council of Educational Leaders - Executive Director - Opposed - #30417
01/21 10:44 AM 9 Senate Education Dr. Jeff Fastnacht - Superintendent - Bismarck Public School District - opposed - #30236
01/21 10:59 AM 9 Senate Education Amy De Kok - Executive Director - North Dakota School Boards Association - Opposed - #30429
01/21 11:03 AM 9 Senate Education Kirsten Baesler - Superintendent - North Dakota Department of Public Instruction - Neutral - #30330
01/21 11:16 AM 9 Senate Education Closed the Hearing
01/21 11:17 AM 9 Senate Education Chairman Todd Beard - Recessed Meeting
01/21 11:25 AM 9 Senate Education Chairman Todd Beard - Reconvened Meeting
01/21 11:46 AM 9 Senate Education Vice-Chairman Randy Lemm - Seconded
01/21 11:48 AM 9 Senate Education Chairman Todd Beard - Adjourned Meeting
02/19 10:00 AM 30 Senate Education Committee Work - SB 2104
02/19 10:10 AM 30 Senate Education Discussion
02/19 10:12 AM 30 Senate Education Allyson Hicks - General Counsel - Office of Attorney General - Clarifying Amendment
02/19 10:20 AM 30 Senate Education Recess
02/19 10:23 AM 30 Senate Education Discussion
02/19 10:24 AM 30 Senate Education Allyson Hicks - General Counsel - Office of Attorney General - Clarifying Amendment
02/19 10:33 AM 30 Senate Education Roll Call Vote on Amendment LC# 25.0488.01002 - Motion Passed - 6-0-0
02/19 10:33 AM 30 Senate Education Senator Axtman - Moved a Do Pass on SB 2104 as Amended
02/19 10:33 AM 30 Senate Education SB 2104
02/19 10:38 AM 30 Senate Education Roll Call Vote on SB 2104 as Amended - Motion Passed - 6-0-0
02/20 01:10 PM 31 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2104 - Education - Do Pass 25.0488.01000
25.0488.01002 A
25.0488.02000 E
02/20 01:10 PM 31 Senate Senator Beard 25.0488.01000
25.0488.01002 A
25.0488.02000 E
02/20 01:21 PM 31 Senate Senator Davison 25.0488.01000
25.0488.01002 A
25.0488.02000 E
02/20 01:22 PM 31 Senate Senator Bekkedahl 25.0488.01000
25.0488.01002 A
25.0488.02000 E
02/20 01:25 PM 31 Senate Senator Davison 25.0488.01000
25.0488.01002 A
25.0488.02000 E
02/20 01:25 PM 31 Senate Senator Myrdal 25.0488.01000
25.0488.01002 A
25.0488.02000 E
02/20 01:26 PM 31 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2104 - Education - Do Pass 25.0488.02000
02/20 01:27 PM 31 Senate Senator Beard 25.0488.02000
02/20 01:27 PM 31 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2104 - Education - Do Pass - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 44 Nay 3 N/V 0 Exc 0 25.0488.02000
03/12 09:05 AM 38 House Education SB 2104