SB 2104 - Testimony

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Hearing Date Time Committee Name Organization Role City
Position Document
01/21 10:00 AM Senate Education Linda M. Thorson Concerned Women for America of North Dakota State Director Edinburg, ND In Favor 29808
01/21 10:00 AM Senate Education Michael Heilman North Dakota Small Organized Schools North Dakota Small Organized Schools Bismarck, ND In Opposition 30233
01/21 10:00 AM Senate Education Todd Beard Legislative Assembly Senator Williston, ND In Favor 30427
01/21 10:00 AM Senate Education Jeff Fastnacht Bismarck Public School Superintendent Bismarck, ND In Opposition 30236
01/21 10:00 AM Senate Education Kirsten K. Baesler North Dakota Department of Public Instruction North Dakota Department of Public Instruction Bismarck, ND Neutral 30330
01/21 10:00 AM Senate Education Judy A. Vinger WILLISTON, ND In Favor 30341
01/21 10:00 AM Senate Education Kimberly Hurst Williston, ND In Favor 30388
01/21 10:00 AM Senate Education Karen Krenz Williston, ND In Favor 30390
01/21 10:00 AM Senate Education Aimee Copas NDCEL Executive Director Bismarck, ND In Opposition 30417
01/21 10:00 AM Senate Education Mark Jorritsma North Dakota Family Alliance Legislative Action Executive Director Bismarck, ND In Favor 30421
01/21 10:00 AM Senate Education Amy De Kok North Dakota School Boards Association Executive Director Bismarck, ND In Opposition 30429
01/21 10:00 AM Senate Education Leslie Beiber Alexander School District Superintendent Alexander, ND In Opposition 30525
02/19 10:00 AM Senate Education Todd Beard Legislative Assembly District 23 Williston, ND In Favor 38053
03/12 09:00 AM House Education Bill Tveit Legislative Assembly Representative Hazen, ND In Favor 39641
03/12 09:00 AM House Education Kristin Nelson Fargo, ND In Opposition 40250
03/12 09:00 AM House Education Aimee Copas NDCEL Executive Director bismarck, ND In Opposition 40745
03/12 09:00 AM House Education Catherine Benton Personal Grand Forks, ND In Opposition 40756
03/12 09:00 AM House Education Linda M. Thorson Concerned Women for America of North Dakota State Director Edinburg, ND In Favor 40762
03/12 09:00 AM House Education Leslie Bieber Alexander Public School Superintendent Alexander, ND In Opposition 40765
03/12 09:00 AM House Education Mark Jorritsma North Dakota Family Alliance Legislative Action Executive Director Bismarck, ND In Favor 40784
03/12 09:00 AM House Education Michael Heilman North Dakota Small Organized Schools North Dakota Small Organized Schools Bismarck, ND In Opposition 40806
03/12 09:00 AM House Education Karen Krenz Williston, ND In Favor 40812
03/12 09:00 AM House Education Paul R. Stremick North Dakota School Study Council Lobbyist Mandan, ND In Opposition 40828
03/12 09:00 AM House Education Kimberly Hurst Williston, ND In Favor 40857
03/12 09:00 AM House Education Sharlet Mohr williston, ND In Favor 40865
03/12 09:00 AM House Education Amy De Kok North Dakota School Boards Association Executive Director Bismarck, ND In Opposition 40879
03/12 09:00 AM House Education Kirsten Baesler North Dakota Department of Public Instruction Superintendent ND Neutral 40976

TESTIMONY DISCLAIMER: The Legislative Council is not responsible for the content, accuracy, or appropriateness of testimony submitted during the Legislative Session. The Legislative Council reserves the right to redact confidential or explicit information on testimony displayed to the public. The testimony displayed on this page is updated periodically to include additional submissions and might not represent a complete record of the hearing. Testimony can be submitted for future meetings held within the current Legislative Session from the Hearings tab.