Actions to Measures | North Dakota Legislative Branch

Actions to Measures

HJ House Journal
SJ Senate Journal

Legislative Day 10 January 22, 2025

Senate Measure Actions
Measure Action Journal Page(s)
HB 1117 Received from House SJ242
HB 1132 Received from House SJ242
HB 1142 Received from House SJ242
HB 1153 Received from House SJ242
HB 1173 Received from House SJ242
HB 1174 Received from House SJ242
HB 1178 Received from House SJ242
SB 2039 Committee report SJ242
SB 2099 Failed SJ241
SB 2109 Committee report SJ242
SB 2110 Passed SJ240
SB 2117 Passed SJ241
SB 2132 Passed SJ239
SB 2147 Rereferred SJ242
SB 2147 Committee report SJ242
SB 2154 Passed SJ240
SB 2158 Amendment adopted SJ239
SB 2163 Committee report SJ242
SB 2172 Passed SJ241
SB 2173 Committee report SJ242
SB 2189 Committee report SJ242
SB 2195 Amendment adopted SJ239
SB 2196 Passed SJ240
SB 2201 Committee report SJ239
SB 2201 Amendment adopted SJ239
SB 2201 Rereferred SJ239
SB 2318 Request return from committee SJ239
SB 2318 Withdrawn SJ239
SB 2347 Introduced SJ243
SB 2348 Introduced SJ243
SCR 4001 Committee report SJ243