Actions to Measures | North Dakota Legislative Branch

Actions to Measures

HJ House Journal
SJ Senate Journal

Legislative Day 12 January 24, 2025

Senate Measure Actions
Measure Action Journal Page(s)
HB 1033 Received from House SJ257
HB 1038 Introduced (emergency) SJ260
HB 1156 Received from House SJ257
HB 1166 Received from House SJ258
HB 1231 Received from House SJ257
HB 1377 Received from House SJ257
SB 2027 Committee report SJ258
SB 2070 Amendment adopted SJ255
SB 2089 Committee report SJ258
SB 2091 Committee report SJ258
SB 2092 Committee report SJ258
SB 2109 Passed SJ255
SB 2113 Rereferred SJ255
SB 2113 Amendment adopted SJ255
SB 2139 Committee report SJ258
SB 2148 Committee report SJ258
SB 2168 Committee report SJ258
SB 2173 Passed SJ256
SB 2175 Committee report SJ259
SB 2178 Failed SJ257
SB 2188 Committee report SJ259
SB 2197 Committee report SJ259
SB 2198 Committee report SJ259
SB 2201 Committee report SJ259
SB 2207 Passed SJ255
SB 2219 Passed SJ256
SB 2311 Withdrawn SJ255
SB 2311 Request return from committee SJ255
SB 2341 Introduced SJ259
SB 2351 Introduced SJ259
SB 2352 Introduced SJ259
SB 2353 Introduced SJ260
SB 2354 Introduced SJ260
SB 2355 Introduced SJ260
SB 2356 Introduced SJ260
SB 2357 Introduced SJ260
SCR 4002 Committee report SJ259
SCR 4004 Failed SJ257