Actions to Measures | North Dakota Legislative Branch

Actions to Measures

HJ House Journal
SJ Senate Journal

Legislative Day 14 January 28, 2025

Senate Measure Actions
Measure Action Journal Page(s)
HB 1076 Received from House SJ284
HB 1098 Received from House SJ284
HB 1134 Received from House SJ284
HB 1160 Received from House SJ284
HB 1209 Received from House SJ284
HB 1223 Received from House SJ284
HB 1232 Received from House SJ284
HB 1244 Received from House SJ284
HB 1281 Received from House SJ284
HB 1293 Received from House SJ284
HB 1300 Received from House SJ284
SB 2013 Amendment adopted SJ281
SB 2023 Amendment adopted SJ281
SB 2027 Passed SJ282
SB 2089 Passed SJ283
SB 2137 Amendment adopted SJ281
SB 2138 Committee report SJ284
SB 2144 Committee report SJ284
SB 2152 Passed SJ281
SB 2155 Amendment adopted SJ281
SB 2161 Passed SJ283
SB 2169 Passed SJ283
SB 2175 Passed SJ282
SB 2186 Committee report SJ284
SB 2199 Amendment adopted SJ281
SB 2204 Committee report SJ285
SB 2210 Passed SJ282
SB 2220 Committee report SJ285
SB 2224 Committee report SJ285
SB 2226 Committee report SJ285
SB 2226 Rereferred SJ285
SB 2250 Committee report SJ285
SB 2257 Committee report SJ285
SB 2273 Committee report SJ285
SB 2278 Committee report SJ285
SB 2288 Committee report SJ285
SB 2310 Committee report SJ286
SB 2341 Request return from committee SJ281
SB 2341 Rereferred SJ281
SB 2344 Request return from committee SJ281
SB 2344 Withdrawn SJ281
SCR 4003 Committee report SJ286