Actions to Measures | North Dakota Legislative Branch

Actions to Measures

HJ House Journal
SJ Senate Journal

Legislative Day 21 February 06, 2025

Senate Measure Actions
Measure Action Journal Page(s)
HB 1038 Committee report SJ381
HB 1107 Introduced SJ382
HB 1118 Received from House SJ378
HB 1123 Received from House SJ378
HB 1174 Introduced SJ382
HB 1219 Received from House SJ378
HB 1345 Received from House SJ378
HB 1355 Received from House SJ378
HB 1368 Received from House SJ378
HB 1397 Received from House SJ378
HB 1398 Received from House SJ378
HB 1432 Received from House SJ378
HB 1509 Received from House SJ378
HB 1520 Received from House SJ378
HB 1554 Received from House SJ378
HB 1558 Received from House SJ378
HB 1563 Introduced SJ382
HB 1599 Received from House SJ378
SB 2009 Committee report SJ378
SB 2029 Committee report SJ378
SB 2049 Amendment adopted SJ376
SB 2106 Committee report SJ378
SB 2128 Committee report SJ379
SB 2170 Committee report SJ379
SB 2176 Committee report SJ379
SB 2179 Amendment adopted SJ376
SB 2183 Committee report SJ379
SB 2190 Committee report SJ379
SB 2191 Amendment adopted SJ376
SB 2194 Committee report SJ379
SB 2205 Committee report SJ379
SB 2211 Committee report SJ379
SB 2218 Committee report SJ379
SB 2221 Committee report SJ380
SB 2226 Committee report SJ380
SB 2234 Committee report SJ380
SB 2238 Committee report SJ380
SB 2239 Committee report SJ380
SB 2242 Committee report SJ380
SB 2245 Committee report SJ380
SB 2248 Committee report SJ380
SB 2253 Committee report SJ381
SB 2256 Rereferred SJ381
SB 2256 Committee report SJ381
SB 2262 Committee report SJ381
SB 2271 Amendment adopted SJ376
SB 2271 Rereferred SJ376
SB 2282 Passed SJ376
SB 2286 Committee report SJ381
SB 2295 Failed SJ377
SB 2305 Rereferred SJ376
SB 2305 Amendment adopted SJ376
SB 2316 Failed SJ377
SB 2320 Failed SJ377
SB 2345 Committee report SJ381
SB 2371 Committee report SJ381
SB 2372 Committee report SJ381
SB 2372 Rereferred SJ381
SB 2387 Amendment adopted SJ376
SB 2399 Rereferred SJ376
SB 2399 Amendment adopted SJ376
HCR 3006 Received from House SJ378
SCR 4024 Introduced SJ381