Actions to Measures | North Dakota Legislative Branch

Actions to Measures

HJ House Journal
SJ Senate Journal

Legislative Day 9 January 21, 2025

Senate Measure Actions
Measure Action Journal Page(s)
HB 1032 Received from House SJ233
HB 1049 Received from House SJ233
HB 1061 Received from House SJ233
HB 1120 Received from House SJ233
HB 1212 Received from House SJ233
HB 1215 Received from House SJ233
SB 2034 Committee report SJ233
SB 2034 Rereferred SJ233
SB 2045 Passed SJ232
SB 2099 Committee report SJ233
SB 2102 Failed SJ232
SB 2110 Amendment adopted SJ231
SB 2113 Request return from committee SJ231
SB 2113 Rereferred SJ231
SB 2117 Amendment adopted SJ231
SB 2132 Amendment adopted SJ231
SB 2134 Passed SJ231
SB 2135 Passed SJ232
SB 2154 Committee report SJ233
SB 2158 Committee report SJ233
SB 2172 Committee report SJ234
SB 2173 Rereferred SJ231
SB 2195 Committee report SJ234
SB 2196 Committee report SJ234
SB 2268 Withdrawn SJ231
SB 2321 Request return from committee SJ231
SB 2321 Rereferred SJ231
SB 2337 Introduced SJ234
SB 2338 Introduced SJ234
SB 2339 Introduced SJ357
SB 2340 Introduced SJ234
SB 2342 Introduced SJ234
SB 2343 Introduced SJ235
SB 2344 Introduced SJ235
SB 2345 Introduced SJ235
SB 2346 Introduced SJ235
SCR 4005 Filed with Secretary of State SJ233
SCR 4005 President signed SJ233