Member Video Inquiry - Senator Erbele

Video Inquiry

Biography for Senator Erbele
69th Legislative Assembly (2025-27)

Video Index for Senator Erbele, Robert

A Amendment
E Engrossment

Total Videos:  67
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/08 02:45 PM Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele
01/22 08:37 AM 10 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele moved information as stated on attachment - #30703
01/24 11:40 AM 12 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele moved amendment LC# .01003
01/24 11:42 AM 12 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele moved on Do Pass as Amended
01/24 01:04 PM 12 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
01/28 09:51 AM 14 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele seconded
01/28 09:54 AM 14 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele seconded
01/28 02:35 PM 14 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele seconded
01/29 08:43 AM 15 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele seconded
01/30 09:24 AM 16 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele Introduced SB 2225 and Amendment 25.1186.01001 - #33044
01/30 10:12 AM 16 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele seconded
01/30 10:13 AM 16 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele moved Do Pass SB 2225 as Amendment
01/31 09:26 AM 17 Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Senator Erbele - Senator from District 28 - Introduced the Bill - In Favor
01/31 12:55 PM 17 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2225 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.1186.01000
25.1186.01002 A
25.1186.02000 E
02/04 01:38 PM 19 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2225 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.1186.02000
02/04 01:41 PM 19 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2225 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.1186.02000
02/04 03:44 PM 19 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele Moved amendment LC# .01001
02/05 10:23 AM 20 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele Moved a Do Pass
02/05 01:04 PM 20 Senate 8th Order - Motions and Resolutions
02/05 01:06 PM 20 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2320 - Finance and Taxation - Do Not Pass 25.0972.01000
25.0972.01002 A
02/05 03:19 PM 20 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele moved on Amendment LC# .01002
02/05 03:21 PM 20 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele moved on Do Pass as Amended
02/10 09:10 AM 23 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele Introduced SB 2020 and Amendment 25.0187.01003 - #36646
02/10 09:21 AM 23 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele Moved Amendment 25.0187.01003
02/10 09:24 AM 23 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele Moved Do Pass SB 2020 as Amended
02/10 03:10 PM 23 Senate Judiciary Senator Erbele - In Favor - Testimony#36683
02/10 03:10 PM 23 Senate Judiciary Senator Erbele - Additional Testimony - Testimony#36768
02/11 01:25 PM 24 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2020 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0187.01000
25.0187.01003 A
25.0187.01003 S
25.0187.02000 E
02/11 01:32 PM 24 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2020 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0187.02000
02/12 08:57 AM 25 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele Seconded
02/12 11:11 AM 25 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele moved to Amend
02/12 11:13 AM 25 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele moved a Do Pass as Amended
02/13 11:05 AM 26 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele seconded
02/13 11:28 AM 26 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele Introduced SB 2216 and Amendment 25.1008.02001 - #37630
02/13 11:29 AM 26 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele Moved Do Pass on Amendment SB 2216
02/13 11:32 AM 26 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele Moved Do Pass as Amended
02/13 02:16 PM 26 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
02/17 10:27 AM 28 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele - Introduced the Bill in Favor
02/17 11:56 AM 28 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele Seconded the Motion
02/17 02:01 PM 28 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2100 - Workforce Development - Do Not Pass 25.0331.01000
02/18 09:40 AM 29 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele Seconded the Motion
02/18 09:42 AM 29 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele Seconded the Motion
02/18 10:30 AM 29 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele Moved Amendment LC# .01009
02/18 10:32 AM 29 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele Moved Do Pass As Amended
02/18 10:35 AM 29 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele Seconded the Motion
02/18 10:38 AM 29 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele Seconded the Motion
02/18 10:40 AM 29 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele Seconded the Motion
02/18 10:43 AM 29 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele moved A Do Not Pass
02/18 10:45 AM 29 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele Moved a Do Not Pass
02/18 03:33 PM 29 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele Seconded the Motion
02/18 03:38 PM 29 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele Seconded the Motion
02/18 04:51 PM 29 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele Moved a Do Pass
02/18 04:55 PM 29 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele Moved Do Not Pass
02/19 11:08 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele Introduced SB 2363 - #38072
02/19 11:13 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele Moved Do Pass SB 2363
02/19 11:37 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele Withdrew Do Pass motion SB 2363
02/19 03:37 PM 30 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele seconded
02/19 03:56 PM 30 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele seconded
02/19 04:15 PM 30 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele seconded
02/19 04:17 PM 30 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele seconded
02/19 04:18 PM 30 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele
02/20 01:06 PM 31 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2129 - Workforce Development - Do Pass 25.8033.02000
02/20 03:16 PM 31 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele moved a Do Not Pass
02/21 10:06 AM 32 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele Introduced SB 2230
02/21 10:10 AM 32 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele Moved to Do Pass Amendment --
02/21 10:16 AM 32 Senate Appropriations Senator Erbele moved Do Pass as Amended
02/21 04:04 PM 32 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Senator Erbele seconded