Biography for Representative Motschenbacher 69th Legislative Assembly (2025-27) Bills Introduced by Representative Motschenbacher, Mike Total Bills Introduced: 27 Primary Sponsor HB 1170 A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 54-06-14 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to state employee annual leave; and to provide an effective date. Last Official Action Returned to House (12) HB 1220 A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 15-10 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the creation of a North Dakota accelerated degree for high-demand occupations. Last Official Action Committee Hearing 09:00 on 03/21 HB 1437 A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 15-10 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to academic tenure policy at institutions of higher education. Last Official Action Second reading, failed to pass, yeas 20 nays 26 Cosponsored Bills House Bills HB 1193 HB 1194 HB 1209 HB 1226 HB 1289 HB 1303 HB 1305 HB 1307 HB 1316 HB 1335 HB 1343 HB 1362 HB 1388 HB 1390 HB 1401 HB 1491 HB 1532 HB 1571 HB 1580 HB 1585 HB 1602 Senate Bills SB 2242 SB 2386 House Concurrent Resolutions HCR 3036