Budget Section

Membership Information

Budget Section

Number Of Members:


District 22 | R

District 43 | R
Vice Chairman

District 20 | D

District 45 | R

District 31 | R

District 9 | D

District 1 | R

District 30 | R

District 8 | R

District 46 | R

District 24 | R

District 26 | D

District 25 | R

District 27 | D

District 15 | R

District 19 | R

District 4 | D

District 44 | R

District 17 | R

District 5 | R

District 38 | R

District 37 | R

District 3 | R

District 9 | D

District 39 | R

District 17 | R

District 35 | D

District 47 | R

District 11 | D

District 28 | R

District 45 | R

District 22 | R

District 48 | R

District 38 | D

District 24 | D

District 7 | R

District 16 | D
Expand all  

December 10, 1998 - 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm CST
December 11, 1998 - 9:00 am to 4:00 pm CST

September 28, 1998 - 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm CDT
September 29, 1998 - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm CDT
September 30, 1998 - 8:00 am to 2:00 pm CDT

September 15, 1998 - 7:30 am to 6:30 pm CDT
September 16, 1998 - 8:30 am to 3:30 pm CDT

June 10, 1998 - 9:00 am to 5:00 pm CDT

March 4, 1998 - 9:00 am to 5:00 pm CST

December 3, 1997 - 9:00 am to 5:00 pm CST

October 8, 1997 - 9:00 am to 5:00 pm CDT

June 18, 1997 - 9:00 am to 4:30 pm CDT

Committee Studies and Assignments

Approve use of moneys deposited in State Forester reserve account (NDCC § 4-19-01.2)

Approve any purchase of commercial or residential property by the Board of University and School Lands as sole owner (NDCC § 15-03-04)

Approve any gift of a higher education facility (NDCC § 15-10-12.1)

Approve nonresident student tuition fees (NDCC § 15-10-18)

Approve comprehensive statewide land acquisition plan established by director of the Game and Fish Department and every land acquisition of more than 10 acres or exceeding $10,000 by Game and Fish Department (NDCC § 20.1-02-05.1)

Authorize Developmental Center at Westwood Park, Grafton, to provide services under contract with a governmental or nongovernmental person (NDCC § 25-04-02.2)

Approve sale, lease, or other management of the property of Westwood Park by the Westwood Park Assets Management Committee (NDCC § 25-04-20)

Approve termination of federal food stamp or energy assistance program (NDCC § 50-06-05.1)

Receive report from Job Service North Dakota on condition of job insurance trust fund if balance is projected to go below $40,000,000 (NDCC § 52-02-17)

Receive reports on fiscal irregularities (NDCC § 54-14-03.1)

Approve transfers of money or spending authority which would eliminate or make impossible accomplishment of a program or objective funded by the Legislative Assembly (NDCC § 54-16-04)

Approve transfers exceeding $50,000 from one fund or line item to another unless necessary to comply with court order or to avoid imminent threat to safety or imminent financial loss to the state (NDCC § 54-16-04)

Approve Emergency Commission authorization of any state officer to spend federal moneys not appropriated by the Legislative Assembly (NDCC § 54-16-04.1)

Approve Emergency Commission authorization of a state officer to receive moneys from any source for new or existing programs (NDCC § 54-16-04.2)

Approve use of capital improvements planning revolving fund (NDCC § 54-27-22)

Approve use of cash flow financing (NDCC § 54-27-23)

Receive report on transfers of funds from the budget stabilization fund to the state general fund to offset projected decrease in general fund revenues (NDCC § 54-27.2-03)

Receive annual report from the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations on planning grants administered by the commission (NDCC § 54-35.2-02.1)

Prescribe form of budget information prepared by the director of the budget (NDCC § 54-44.1-07)

Object to any allotment by the director of the budget, any expenditure of a budget unit, or any failure to make an allotment or expenditure if the action or failure to act is contrary to legislative intent (NDCC § 54-44.1-12.1)

Approve reduction of budgets due to initiative or referendum action (NDCC § 54-44.1-13.1)

Approve grants, not otherwise specifically approved by the Legislative Assembly, distributed by the Children’s Services Coordinating Committee to children’s services organizations and programs (NDCC § 54-56-03)

Receive annual report from the Workers Compensation Bureau regarding any reinsurance contract by the bureau (NDCC § 65-02-13.1)

Authorize establishment of casualty insurance organization to provide extraterritorial workers' compensation insurance (NDCC § 65-08.1-02)

Hold legislative hearings required to receive block grants or other federal moneys (1997 S.L., ch. 582)

Approve various line item transfers by the State Auditor (1997 S.L., ch. 4, § 4)

Approve expenditure of the welfare reform contingency (1997 S.L., ch. 12, § 9)

Approve expenditures by the Department of Human Services exceeding authorized costs for certain computer development projects (1997 S.L., ch. 12, § 19)

Approve waiver of certain requirements of the Department of Human Services in its reforming and enhancing services for the people of North Dakota (RESPOND) and TEEM projects (1997 S.L., ch. 12, § 19)

Approve establishment of a traumatic brain injury program by the Developmental Center (1997 S.L., ch. 12, § 29)

Approve expenditure exceeding $50,000 of income in excess of estimated income appropriated to the Office of Management and Budget (1997 S.L., ch. 15, § 3)

Approve various line item transfers by the director of the Office of Management and Budget (1997 S.L., ch. 15, § 4)

Approve any state agency termination, reprioritization, or start of a program for which federal funding has been terminated, reduced, or started (1997 S.L., ch. 15, § 13)

Approve college or university expenditure of more than $50,000 from internal service funds except for mandatory transfers for servicing related debt and routine operating expenditures associated with the funds (1997 S.L., ch. 15, § 26)

Approve certain line item transfers by the Parks and Recreation Department (1997 S.L., ch. 23, § 6)

Approve certain line item transfers by the Highway Patrol (1997 S.L., ch. 40, § 4)

Approve certain line item transfers by the director of the Department of Transportation (1997 S.L., ch. 41, § 2)

Approve certain line item transfers by the Commissioner of the Board of University and School Lands (1997 S.L., ch. 42, § 4)

Approve statewide grants, in addition to grants specifically approved by the Legislative Assembly, for services to children with serious emotional disorders (1997 S.L., ch. 43, § 2)

Approve transfers of appropriation authority by the director of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (1997 S.L., ch. 45, § 2)

Approve certain line item transfers by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (1997 S.L., ch. 45, § 3)

Receive a report from the Insurance Commissioner regarding actions taken to stabilize the distribution of insurance payments to fire districts (1997 S.L., ch. 10, § 8)

Receive report from human service centers, the State Hospital, and the Developmental Center on the hiring of any additional full-time equivalent positions in addition to those authorized by the Legislative Assembly (1997 S.L., ch. 12, § 7)

Receive periodic reports from the Department of Human Services on the status of the development of the RESPOND computer system (1997 S.L., ch. 12, § 19)

Receive report from the Department of Human Services concerning federal waivers to develop a pilot project for low-income parents providing services to developmentally disabled adult children (1997 S.L., ch. 12, § 25)

Receive report from the Department of Human Services regarding human service center, State Hospital, and Developmental Center block grant accountability (1997 S.L., ch. 12, § 28)

Receive periodic reports from the Department of Human Services regarding the welfare fraud detection programs (1997 S.L., ch. 12, § 30)

Receive report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction regarding any transfer of positions to the Division of Independent Study from other divisions of the Department of Public Instruction (1997 S.L., ch. 13, § 9)

Receive a report from the State Historical Board on its evaluation of the services, programs, and administrative structure of the State Historical Society (1997 S.L., ch. 22, § 4)

Receive report from the Workers Compensation Bureau regarding the expenditure of the $350,000 provided for critical salary adjustments (1997 S.L., ch. 26, § 3)

Receive report from any higher education institution that spends local funds in excess of the local funds appropriated to the institution (1997 S.L., ch. 32, § 11)

Receive periodic reports from the Board of Higher Education regarding the board’s allocations for salaries and wages and technology (1997 S.L., ch. 32, § 16)

Receive periodic reports from the commandant of the Veterans' Home regarding development of a corrective plan of action to improve the home’s management, budget, and accounting functions (1997 S.L., ch. 36, § 3)

Receive a report from the Department of Transportation regarding its evaluation of continued use of its 1978 Cessna airplane (1997 S.L., ch. 41, § 4)

Receive a report from the Children’s Services Coordinating Committee regarding its plan to reduce the administrative costs of the regional and tribal children’s services coordinating committees (1997 S.L., ch. 43, § 6)

Receive statement from any ethanol plant receiving production incentives from the state regarding whether the plant produced a profit from its operation in the preceding fiscal year (1997 S.L., ch. 48, § 4)

Receive periodic reports from the vice president of agricultural affairs at North Dakota State University regarding salary and wage allocations (1997 S.L., ch. 50, § 6)

Receive notice from the State Water Commission if conditions are met for the commission to issue bonds to finance an outlet from Devils Lake and the state water development program (1997 S.L., ch. 511, § 1)

Review and report on budget data prepared by the director of the budget