2003 Regular Session (58th Legislative Assembly)
Secretary of State
Category | Bill |
Absentee Voting and Early Voting Precincts | SB 2248 |
Agency Reports to Governor and Secretary of State | HB 1167 |
Appropriation and Salary | SB 2002 |
Boxing Regulation Exemption for Certain Organizations | HB 1067 |
Campaign Contribution Reporting | SB 2241 |
Campaign Contributions | SB 2403 |
Central Voter File and Voter Identification | SB 2394 |
Charitable Solicitations Restrictions | SB 2341 |
Constitutional Amendment-initiated Measure Fiscal Impact | HCR 3016 |
Contractor's Licenses and Complaints | SB 2252 |
Fees and Service of Secretary of State | SB 2072 |
Fictitious Name Certificate Filing | HB 1498 |
Foreign Limited Partnership Registration | SB 2073 |
Leglislative Certificates of Election and Members Roll | SB 2138 |
Mixed Fighting Style Competitions | SB 2161 |
Notary Public Seals and Fees | HB 1168 |
Political Party Organization | HB 1410 |
Presidential Preference Caucuses | SB 2288 |
Service Marks Registration and Protection | HB 1169 |
Ucc Financing and Termination Statements | HB 1185 |
Uniform Athlete Agents Act | SB 2157 |
Vacancies in Nominations and Legislative Office | SB 2405 |
Voting System Certification and Grievances | SB 2409 |
Workers' Compensation Coverage of Profession Employer Org | SB 2298 |