2003 Regular Session (58th Legislative Assembly)
United States
Category | Bill |
Ag Secretary Urged to Implement Production Insurance Program | SCR 4005 |
Block Grant Legislative Hearings | HCR 3001 |
Confidentiality of Ferc Market Monitoring Information | SB 2115 |
Congress to Provide Disaster Assistance for Farmers | HCR 3009 |
Congress Urged to Act Regarding Head Start Program | HCR 3076 |
Congress Urged to Allow Grazing in National Grasslands | HCR 3010 |
Congress Urged to Allow Travel to Cuba | HCR 3019 |
Congress Urged to Continue E-rate Program | HCR 3079 |
Congress Urged to Create Wind Energy Production Tax Credit | SCR 4025 |
Congress Urged to Eliminate Estate Tax | HCR 3043 |
Congress Urged to Enact Medicare Drug Benefit | SCR 4023 |
Congress Urged to Enhance Missouri River Corridor Economy | HCR 3036 |
Congress Urged to Fund Elk Damage From National Park | SCR 4002 |
Congress Urged to Improve Medicare Fairness and Uniformity | HCR 3025 |
Congress Urged to Increase Medicare Reimbursement | HCR 3028 |
Congress Urged to Limit Use of Federal Family Planning Funds | HCR 3038 |
Congress Urged to Provide Cost of Production Insurance | SCR 4010 |
Congress Urged to Provide Disaster Relief for Farmers | SCR 4004 |
Federal Facility Improvements Urged for Lewis & Clark | HCR 3041 |
Grant Receipt by State Agencies | HB 1308 |
Job Service Data Sharing With Census Bureau | HB 1115 |
Liberty Day Proclamation | HCR 3035 |
National Motto Display in Schools | HB 1325 |
No Child Left Behind Act Funding Urged | SCR 4026 |
No Child Left Behind Act Information to Legislative Committee | SB 2414 |
Presidential Preference Caucuses | SB 2288 |
Senators Urged to Support Judicial Nominee Miguel Estrada | HCR 3077 |
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Compliance | SB 2155 |
Theodore Roosevelt Presidency Centennial Celebration | HCR 3048 |
Usda Urged Not to Preempt State's Grain Warehouse Authority | HCR 3021 |
Usda Urged to Implement Conservation Security Program | SCR 4009 |
Water Quality Standards Legal Enforcement Actions | SB 2419 |