Category | Bill |
Absentee, Mail Ballot, Write-in, and Certificates | SB 2319 |
Campaign Finance | HB 1490 |
Canvass of Ballots of Challenged Voters | HB 1516 |
Challenged Ballots, Early Voting, Mail Ballots | HB 1576 |
Congressional Vacancy Special Election | HB 1452 |
Const Amend - Legislative Redistricting Comm - 8 Members | HCR 3053 |
Const Amend - Legislative Referral of Laws to Electors | HCR 3055 |
Const Amend - Legislator Elected in Each Dist Every Election | HCR 3050 |
Const Amend - Leg Redistricting Commission - 9 Members | SCR 4031 |
Const Amend - Super Maj Vote/ordinances or Initiated Laws | SCR 4032 |
Constitutional Amendment - Legislative Redistricting | SCR 4029 |
County Commissioner Redistricting | HB 1271 |
County Office Candidate Contribution Statements | HB 1541 |
Early Voting Precinct Opening | HB 1461 |
Early Voting Precincts & Mail Ballot Elections | HB 1180 |
Electors & Election Changes | SB 2324 |
Historical Works County Levy Vote Requirement | SB 2173 |
Irrigation District Mail Ballot Elections | HB 1321 |
Mail Ballot Election Polling Places | HB 1343 |
Mail Ballot Polling Places | SB 2436 |
Name Arrangement on Ballots | HB 1396 |
Park District Ordinance Referral | HB 1376 |
Party Affiliation for County, City, and School Elections | HB 1471 |
Political Purpose Use of Government Property | HB 1254 |
Political Purpose Use of Public Property | HB 1347 |
Precincts and Voting Places | HB 1395 |
Presidential Preference Caucuse Repeal | SB 2307 |
Presidential Preference Caucus Participation | SB 2179 |
Referral of Preliminary Budgets of Subdivisions | HB 1454 |
Vacancy in Legislative Office | HB 1538 |