Sponsor Inquiry - Senator Nething

Sponsor Inquiry

Biography for Senator Nething
62nd Legislative Assembly (2011-13)

Bills Introduced by Senator Nething, Dave Total Bills Introduced:   20

Primary Sponsor

SB 2174

  • AN ACT to create and enact subsection 6 to section 10-01.1-06, sections 10-15-51.1 and 10-15-52.7, subsection 12 to section 10-15-54, and sections 10-15-57.1, 10-15-57.2, and 45-21-04.3 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to listing of commercial registered agents, cooperative associations, corporations, limited liability companies, nonprofit corporations, limited partnerships, and general partnerships; and to amend and reenact sections 10-06.1-17 and 10-15-08.1, subsection 37 of section 10-19.1-01, subsection 4 of section 10-19.1-10, sections 10-19.1-13 and 10-19.1-31, subsection 2 of section 10-19.1-51, section 10-19.1-52, subsection 2 of section 10-19.1-58, subsection 1 of section 10-19.1-68, subsection 2 of section 10-19.1-70, subsection 1 of section 10-19.1-73, subsection 2 of section 10-19.1-84, subsection 1 of section 10-19.1-104, section 10-19.1-141, subsection 2 of section 10-19.1-146, sections 10-19.1-147 and 10-19.1-149, subsection 39 of section 10-32-02, sections 10-32-07, 10-32-09, and 10-32-10, subsection 1 of section 10-32-40, subsection 2 of section 10-32-51, section 10-32-68, subsection 2 of section 10-32-87, section 10-32-88, subsection 2 of section 10-32-94, subsection 1 of section 10-32-108, sections 10-32-144 and 10-32-150, subsection 5 of section 10-32-152, section 10-32-153, subsection 27 of section 10-33-01, subsections 3 and 4 of section 10-33-06, section 10-33-10, subsections 1, 2, and 3 of section 10-33-15, sections 10-33-26 and 10-33-28, subsection 2 of section 10-33-38, sections 10-33-39 and 10-33-43, subsection 2 of section 10-33-44, subsection 2 of section 10-33-46, sections 10-33-49, 10-33-51, and 10-33-52, subsection 2 of section 10-33-54, subsection 11 of section 10-33-84, subsection 2 of section 10-33-87, section 10-33-94, subsection 3 of section 10-33-98, section 10-33-134, subsection 1 of section 10-33-140, sections 10-33-142, 10-35-33, 45-10.2-10, 45-10.2-85, and 45-10.2-87, subsection 15 of section 45-10.2-109, section 45-10.2-112, subsection 3 of section 45-22-03, and sections 45-22-04, 45-22-16, 45-22-24, and 45-23-03 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to annual reports of corporate limited liability company farms, cooperative associations, business corporations, limited liability companies, nonprofit corporations, publicly traded corporations, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, and limited liability limited partnerships.

    Last Official Action
    Filed with Secretary Of State 04/19

    Cosponsored Bills