Legislative Procedure and Arrangements Committee
Number Of Members:
September 13, 2018 - 2:15 pm to 4:30 pm CDT
Committee Memorandums
June 20, 2018 - 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm CDT
Committee Memorandums
March 19, 2018 - 11:00 am to 2:30 pm CDT
December 6, 2017 - 8:30 am to 10:30 am CST
September 28, 2017 - 9:30 am to 10:15 am CDT
Committee Memorandums
Determine when the Agriculture Commissioner must submit a biennial report to a joint meeting of the House of Representatives and Senate Agriculture Committees on the status of the pesticide container disposal program (NDCC § 4.1-36-04)
Determine when agricultural commodity promotion groups must report to the standing Agriculture Committees (NDCC § 4.1-44-04)
Determine contents of contracts for printing of legislative bills, resolutions, journals, and Session Laws (NDCC § 46-02-05)
Establish guidelines on maximum reimbursement of legislators sharing lodging during a legislative session (NDCC § 54-03-20)
Determine the fee payable by legislators for use of personal computers (NDCC § 54-03-26)
Establish policy under which a legislator may purchase the computer used by that legislator upon replacement of the computer by the Legislative Council (NDCC § 54-03-26)
Establish guidelines defining reasonable and appropriate use of state telephones by legislative branch personnel (NDCC § 54-06-26)
Establish guidelines for use of legislative chambers and displays in Memorial Hall (NDCC § 54-35-02)
Determine access to legislative information services and impose fees for providing legislative information services and copies of legislative documents (NDCC § 54-35-02)
As the Legislative Ethics Committee, consider or prepare a legislative code of ethics (NDCC § 54-35-02.8)
Make arrangements for legislative session (NDCC § 54-35-11)
Determine the standing committees that will receive the report from the Commissioner of Commerce on the Department of Commerce's goals and objectives, its long-term goals and objectives, and on commerce benchmarks (NDCC § 54-60-03)
Administer appropriation for legislative wing equipment and improvements (2009 S.L., ch. 29, § 5)
Administer appropriation for legislative committee room renovations and improvements (2011 S.L., ch. 1, § 6)
Review legislative rules