HB 1475 - Testimony

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Hearing Date Time Committee Name Organization Role City
Position Document
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Janet Anderson Burlington, ND In Favor 33094
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Brenda A. Seehafer Mt. Pleasant School-Rolla Teacher Rolla, ND In Favor 33538
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Barbara A. Dunn Fargo, ND In Favor 33541
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Landis L. Larson North Dakota AFL-CIO President West Fargo, ND In Favor 33564
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Deven Mantz BMWED-IBT ND Legislative Director Minot, ND In Favor 33566
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Alisha Kania Fargo, ND In Favor 33618
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Jackson Harper Grand Forks, ND In Favor 33635
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Tony Burke American Heart Association Government Relations Director Sioux Falls, SD In Favor 33567
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Amy De Kok North Dakota School Boards Association Executive Director Bismarck, ND In Favor 33656
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Michelle Wagner Bismarck Public Schools Bismarck Public Schools Bismarck, ND In Favor 33665
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Melissa Sobolik Great Plains Food Bank CEO FARGO, ND In Favor 33669
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Nick Archuleta ND United President Mandan, ND In Favor 33676
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Kara Geiger Mandan, ND In Favor 33265
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Casey Bjoralt North Dakota Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Fargo, ND In Favor 33276
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Jessica L. Nolz Grand Forks Public Schools Special Education Teacher Grand Forks, ND In Favor 33307
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Marcia J. Patrie Bismarck, ND In Favor 33336
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Robin Nelson Fargo School Board Fargo School Board Fargo, ND In Favor 33358
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Susan M. Dingle Bismarck, ND In Favor 33380
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Kevin R. Tengesdal Private Citizen Self Bismarck, ND In Favor 33382
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Hunter Heck Valley City, ND In Favor 33415
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Greg F. Gallagher N/A, Testimony for Self N/A, Testimony for Self Mandan, ND In Favor 33462
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Deborah Roberts Solen Public School District #3 Cannon Ball Elementary Title I Educator, Librarian Bismarck, ND In Favor 33491
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Faye Seidler Suicide Prevention Advocate Moorhead, MN In Favor 33643
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Aimee Copas NDCEL Executive Director Bismarck, ND In Favor 33650
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Joan Knoll Bismarck Public Schools Registered Dietitian Bismarck, ND In Favor 33664
02/03 02:30 PM House Education David Klein Great Plains Housing Authority Executive Director Jamestown, ND In Favor 33712
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Connie Samuelson Minot, ND In Opposition 33508
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Gordon Greenstein Bismarck, ND In Opposition 33711
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Stephanie Schafer Fargo, ND In Favor 33750
02/03 02:30 PM House Education
Laura K. Schjeldahl Fargo, ND In Favor
Andrea R. Nyland Fargo, ND In Favor
02/03 02:30 PM House Education LaRissa Wiley Montpelier, ND In Favor 33756
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Morgan Messer Jamestown, ND In Favor 33761
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Elizabeth Loos North Dakota Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers Lobbyist Bismarck, ND In Favor 33767
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Natalie McKenna Jamestown, ND In Favor 33770
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Scott Heidinger JAMESTOWN, ND In Favor 33808
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Megan Fuller Jamestown, ND In Favor 33833
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Alex T. Cimino-Hurt Fargo, ND In Favor 33809
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Lynelle Johnson North Dakota Department of Public Instruction Director of Child Nutrition and Food Distribution Bismarck, ND Neutral 33849
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Abby Lange Fargo, ND In Favor 33850
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Amy Heuer BISMARCK, ND In Favor 33873
02/03 02:30 PM House Education John Olson Fargo, ND In Favor 33888
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Grant Syverson North Dakota Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics Advocacy Liaison Fargo, ND In Favor 33892
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Shannon A. Bacon Community HealthCare Association of the Dakotas Director of External Affairs Fargo, ND In Favor 33909
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Tom Grotenhuis Fargo, ND In Favor 33918
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Patrick Hatlestad North Dakota House of Representatives Representative ND In Favor 33964
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Cheyene Campbell Fargo, ND In Favor 33861
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Heather Tyulyandin West Fargo, ND In Favor 33864
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Karlie Murschel Mandan Middle School Mandan Middle School Mandan, ND In Favor 33900
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Matt Perdue North Dakota Farmers Union Government Relations Director Jamestown, ND In Favor 33901
02/03 02:30 PM House Education Lindsay Vickerman Mapleton, ND In Favor 33829
02/03 02:30 PM House Education
Alex Bacon Parent of a student Jamestown, ND In Favor
Heather Joslin Parent of a student Jamestown, ND In Favor

TESTIMONY DISCLAIMER: The Legislative Council is not responsible for the content, accuracy, or appropriateness of testimony submitted during the Legislative Session. The Legislative Council reserves the right to redact confidential or explicit information on testimony displayed to the public. The testimony displayed on this page is updated periodically to include additional submissions and might not represent a complete record of the hearing. Testimony can be submitted for future meetings held within the current Legislative Session from the Hearings tab.