HB 1176 - Video

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/14 09:01 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation HB 1176
01/14 09:02 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Representative Mike Nathe - Introduced Bill - #28954
01/14 09:14 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Senator Rummel testified In Favor
01/14 09:18 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Representative Lefor testified In Favor - #28956
01/14 09:26 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Governor Kelly Armstrong testified In Favor
01/14 09:35 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Joe Morrisette - Director - Office of Management and Budget- In Favor - #28655
01/14 09:42 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Brian Kroshus - ND State Tax Commissioner - In Favor - #28961
01/14 10:17 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Josh Askvig - AARP North Dakota- In Favor - #28823
01/14 10:17 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Josh Askvig - Additional Testimony - #28824
01/14 10:26 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Matt Gardner - North Dakota League of Cities - In Favor
01/14 10:45 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Aaron Birst - Executive Director - ND Association of Counties - In Favor - #28983
01/14 10:49 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Matt Perdue - North Dakota Farmers Union - In Favor - # 28914
01/14 10:52 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Pete Hanebutt - ND Farm bureau - In Favor
01/14 10:54 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Mike Blessum - Opposed - #28666
01/14 11:06 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Aimee Copas - Executive Director - North Dakota Council of Educational Leaders - Neutral
01/14 11:10 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Brandt Dick - Board President - ND Small Organized Schools - Neutral
01/14 11:17 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Amy De Kok - Executive Director - ND School Boards Association - Neutral - #28991
01/14 11:23 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Paul Stremick - ND School Study Council - Neutral
01/14 11:25 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Closed the Hearing
01/14 11:34 AM 4 House Finance and Taxation Chairman Headland opened the hearing
02/06 05:04 PM 21 House Finance and Taxation Committee Work: HB 1176
02/11 12:39 PM 24 House 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1176 - Finance and Taxation - Do Pass 25.1003.01000
25.1003.01010 A
02/11 12:40 PM 24 House Representative Koppelman
02/11 12:40 PM 24 House 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1176 - Finance and Taxation - Division A 25.1003.01000
25.1003.01010 A
02/11 12:41 PM 24 House Representative Hagert 25.1003.01000
25.1003.01010 A
02/11 12:46 PM 24 House Representative Koppelman 25.1003.01000
25.1003.01010 A
02/11 12:51 PM 24 House Representative Fegley 25.1003.01000
25.1003.01010 A
02/11 12:52 PM 24 House Representative Headland 25.1003.01000
25.1003.01010 A
02/11 12:57 PM 24 House Representative Kasper 25.1003.01000
25.1003.01010 A
02/11 12:59 PM 24 House Representative Louser 25.1003.01000
25.1003.01010 A
02/11 01:01 PM 24 House Representative Wagner 25.1003.01000
25.1003.01010 A
02/11 01:07 PM 24 House Representative Koppelman 25.1003.01000
25.1003.01010 A
02/11 01:08 PM 24 House Representative Hagert 25.1003.01000
25.1003.01010 A
02/11 01:11 PM 24 House Representative Headland 25.1003.01000
25.1003.01010 A
02/11 01:14 PM 24 House 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1176 - Finance and Taxation - Division A 25.1003.01000
25.1003.01010 A
02/11 01:15 PM 24 House 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1176 - Finance and Taxation - Division B 25.1003.01000
25.1003.01010 A
02/11 01:15 PM 24 House Representative Hagert 25.1003.01000
25.1003.01010 A
02/11 01:16 PM 24 House 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1176 - Finance and Taxation - Division B 25.1003.01000
25.1003.01010 A
02/11 01:17 PM 24 House 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1176 - Finance and Taxation - Division C 25.1003.01000
25.1003.01010 A
02/11 01:17 PM 24 House Representative Hagert 25.1003.01000
25.1003.01010 A
02/11 01:36 PM 24 House 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1176 - Finance and Taxation - Do Pass 25.1003.01000
25.1003.01010 A
02/17 03:22 PM 28 House Appropriations Committee Work: HB 1176
02/21 06:28 PM 32 House Appropriations Committee Work - HB 1176
02/21 06:31 PM 32 House Appropriations Roll Call Vote on Amendment - Motion Passed - 19-0-4
02/21 06:34 PM 32 House Appropriations Roll Call Vote on Do Pass as Amended - Motion Passed - 18-1-4
02/25 04:16 PM 34 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1176 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.1003.04000
02/25 04:19 PM 34 House Representative Hagert 25.1003.04000
02/25 04:27 PM 34 House Representative Nathe 25.1003.04000
02/25 04:31 PM 34 House Representative Hoverson 25.1003.04000
02/25 04:33 PM 34 House Representative VanWinkle 25.1003.04000
02/25 04:34 PM 34 House Representative Headland 25.1003.04000
02/25 04:36 PM 34 House Representative Frelich 25.1003.04000
02/25 04:37 PM 34 House Representative Lefor 25.1003.04000
02/25 04:41 PM 34 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1176 - Appropriations - Do Pass - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 81 Nay 10 N/V 2 Exc 0 25.1003.04000