Major Topic Index - Judicial Branch

Category Bill
Administration of Judicial Process
Allocation of Expenses HB 1032
Administrative Rules
Notification of Rule Change HB 1355
Alternative Sentencing HB 1059
Agency Appropriation SB 2002
Court Restitution HB 1417
Attorney Recruitment and Retention Program SB 2211
Bar Apprenticeship Program HB 1609
Bill Introduction
Privileges SB 2215
Restrictions and Deadlines HB 1406
Child Custody
Parental Rights and Responsibilities, Equal Residential Responsibility, and Presumption of Fitness SB 2383
Court Witnesses HB 1399
Court Fees and Costs HB 1310
Court Orders
State Hospital and Life Skills Transition Center SB 2113
Juvenile Referral Procedure HB 1328
Mediation Agreements HB 1048
Orders Prohibiting Contact HB 1336
Deep Fake Videos and Images HB 1320
Definition of Marriage SB 2264
Demand for Change of Judge SB 2102
Designating Sensitive Images as Exempt Records SB 2083
Disabled Persons
Guardian Appointments SB 2291
Domestic Relations
Parental Rights and Responsibilities HB 1242
Re-establishment of Parental Rights and Responsibilities HB 1034
Drones and Robots HB 1613
Establishment and Procedure for Municipal Court HB 1032
Excusing Law Enforcement Officers From Jury Duty SB 2095
Exemplary Damages SB 2290
Court Fees SB 2057
Force and Effect of Administrative Rules HB 1434
General Definitions HB 1031
Grading of Theft Offenses SB 2257
Judicial Deference SB 2285
District Court HB 1032
Jury Counseling HB 1047
Landlord and Tenant
Notice of Intention to Evict SB 2366
Legal and Equitable Interest Defined HB 1409
Legislative Bill Introduction SB 2349
Liability Exemptions for Public or Private Entities
Possession of a Firearm HB 1352
Master Jury List SB 2054
Mandatory Minimums HB 1361
Sexual Offender Registration HB 1231
Petitions to Seal Criminal Records HB 1263
Prohibition of a Policy, Order, or Ordinance That Limits Free Speech HB 1273
Protection Order Procedure HB 1489
Juvenile Records SB 2055
Registration of Birth by Judicial Determination HB 1302
Criminal Record Sealing HB 1549
Resolution of Remove Judicial Immunity HCR 3021
Rights of Sexual Violence Survivors SB 2387
Sealing Criminal Records HB 1166
Unlawful Possession of a Firearm HB 1326
Sentence Enhancement HB 1225
Sentencing Alternatives HB 1313
State Bar Admission Fee SB 2053
Supervised Probation SB 2067
Supervised Probation of Class B Misdemeanors SB 2111
Supervised Treatment Programs HB 1347
Judicial Improvement HB 1189
Treatment Court HB 1030
Twenty-four Seven Sobriety Program Fees SB 2365
Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act SB 2126
Violation of Custody Decree SB 2186
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