1997 Regular Session (55th Legislative Assembly)
Board of Higher Education
Category | Bill |
Board of Higher Education Collaboration With South Dakota | SCR 4003 |
Board of Higher Education Constitutional Reference Removed | HCR 3024 |
Board of Higher Education Grand Forks Property Transfer | HB 1381 |
Budget Section Review of Budget Office Actions Eliminated | SB 2023 |
Campus Building Budget Section Approval | HB 1179 |
Credit Transfer Among Higher Education Institutions | SB 2247 |
Elected State Officials and Boards Constitutional Amendment | SCR 4031 |
Employee Retirement Fund Contribution Appropriation | HB 1406 |
Goals 2000 Implementation Prohibited | HB 1458 |
Higher Education Appropriations Constitutional Amendment | SCR 4028 |
Higher Education Board, Budget, Reports, Authority | HB 1312 |
Higher Education Institution Location Constitutional Amend | SCR 4010 |
Information Technology Plans and Reviews | HB 1034 |
Nonresident Higher Education Tuition | HB 1295 |
North Dakota Education Commission | HB 1429 |
Scholarships for Postsecondary Students | SB 2312 |
Tuition as Resident for Child of Alumnus | HB 1454 |
Tuition Waivers Dependents of Employees of Higher Education | HB 1411 |