Major Topic Index - Constitutional Amendments

Category Bill
Ballot Measure Analyses and Printing SB 2094
Judicial Vacancy Filling SCR 4005
Board of Higher Education Constitutional Reference Removed HCR 3024
Constitutional Amend - Appointment of Justices and Judges SCR 4006
Court Rules Reciprocal Discovery Constitutional Amendment SCR 4018
Elected State Officials and Boards Constitutional Amend SCR 4031
Executive Branch Officer Terms Constitutional Amendment SCR 4012
Free Public Education and Board Constitutional Amendment HCR 3022
Higher Education Appropriations Constitutional Amendment SCR 4028
Higher Education Institution Location Constitutional Amend SCR 4010
Parental Rights in Upbringing & Education Const. Amendment HCR 3013
Representatives Elected From Subdistricts Const Amend HCR 3023
State Aid Distribution Fund Constitutional Amendment SCR 4029
Tax Increase Vote Requirement Constitutional Amendment SCR 4011
Trust Fund for Education Constitutional Amendment HCR 3021
Trust Fund From General Fund Budget Const. Amendment HCR 3016
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