2003 Regular Session (58th Legislative Assembly)
Emergency Clause - Bills Carrying
Category | Bill |
Active Military Service Personnel Rights | HB 1151 |
Bank Dividends and Surplus Funds | SB 2129 |
Bank of North Dakota Appropriation | HB 1015 |
Bonus Programs for State Employees | HB 1093 |
Breast or Cervical Cancer Medical Assistance | SB 2089 |
Cancellation of University System Unexpended Appropriations | HB 1040 |
Capital Projects Appropriation | HB 1023 |
Cervidae Carcass Imports Restrictions and Animal Health | SB 2323 |
Child Support and Medical Support Obligations | SB 2160 |
City Infrastructure Sale and Leaseback | SB 2261 |
Confidentiality of Public Health and Security Plans | HB 1143 |
Crime Lab Transfer to Attorney General Office | SB 2151 |
Custom Meat Processing Inspection Exemption | HB 1130 |
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Appropriation | HB 1016 |
Department of Human Services Appropriation | SB 2012 |
Department of Human Services Economic Assistance Approp | SB 2025 |
Eligibility for Medical Assistance Benefits | SB 2074 |
Foreign Limited Partnership Registration | SB 2073 |
Game and Fish Department Appropriation | SB 2019 |
Governor to Receive Bills | SB 2050 |
Health and Hiv Information Disclosure | HB 1438 |
Higher Education Institution Special Revenue Funds | HB 1039 |
Higher Education Summer Program Rooms and Meals | HB 1124 |
Highway Contract Electronic Bidding | HB 1113 |
Historical Society Appropriation | SB 2020 |
Historical Society Capital Projects Appropriation and Bonds | SB 2416 |
Historical Society Health and Safety Changes | SB 2249 |
Information Technology Department Appropriation | HB 1022 |
Job Service Data Sharing With Census Bureau | HB 1115 |
Joint Powers Agreements of School Districts | SB 2305 |
Legislative Branch Appropriation | HB 1001 |
Legislative Council Veterans Home Study | HB 1030 |
Legislative Health Insurance Mandate Expiration | SB 2029 |
Lottery Establishment and Operation | HB 1243 |
Mental Illness Information Disclosure | HB 1163 |
Name Change for Workers Compensation Bureau | HB 1065 |
Natural Gas Purchasing Practices | HB 1385 |
No Child Left Behind Act Information to Legislative Committee | SB 2414 |
No Child Left Behind Act Investigating Committee | SB 2418 |
Nursing Facility Medical Assistance Payment Appropriation | HB 1200 |
Nursing Home Medical Assistance Rates | SB 2090 |
Oversize Vehicles on Highways | HB 1261 |
Parks and Recreation Department Appropriation | SB 2021 |
Performance Assurance Fund Continuing Appropriation | HB 1052 |
Pesticide Registration, Restricted Use, and Adv Board Repeal | HB 1158 |
Pharmacist Loan Repayment Program | SB 2375 |
Pharmacy Permits for Hospitals | HB 1407 |
Potato Wholesale Dealers Licenses and Fees | SB 2326 |
Privacy of Health Information | HB 1487 |
Pull Tab Dispensing Device Manufacturer Licenses | HB 1404 |
Recruitment Pilot Programs for State Employees | HB 1032 |
Residential Children Center Expansion Moratorium | HB 1228 |
Screening for Public Treatment Facility Admissions | SB 2345 |
Securities Definitions, Exemptions, Registration | SB 2084 |
Service Marks Registration and Protection | HB 1169 |
Shared Work Unemployment Compensation Repeal | HB 1099 |
Snowmobiles on Interstate Right of Way | SB 2080 |
Targeted Case Management and Assessment Services | SB 2085 |
Teacher Retention Incentive Payments | SB 2197 |
Teachers at the Youth Correctional Center Appropriation | SB 2404 |
University System Appropriation | HB 1003 |
University System Budget Requests and Block Grants | HB 1041 |
Veterans Home Commandant | SB 2299 |
Veterans Home Membership Contribution | HB 1029 |
Veterans Home Spouse Admission Requirements | HB 1028 |
Viatical Settlement Provider Licensing Dates | SB 2122 |
Water Quality Standards Legal Enforcement Actions | SB 2419 |
Winery Licenses | HB 1298 |
Wireless Service Fee Responsibility | SB 2064 |
Workers' Compensation Various Provisions | HB 1149 |