Budget Section
Number Of Members: 38
September 20, 2012 - 10:00 am to 4:00 pm CDT
Committee Memorandums
June 19, 2012 - 10:00 am to 3:00 pm CDT
March 13, 2012 - 9:00 am to 2:15 pm CDT
December 13, 2011 - 9:00 am to 3:15 pm CST
September 15, 2011 - 9:00 am to 3:30 pm CDT
June 21, 2011 - 10:00 am to 2:30 pm CDT
December 8, 2010 - 11:00 am to 4:30 pm CST
3002 (PDF) Hold the required legislative hearings on state plans for the receipt and expenditure of new or revised block grants passed by Congress
Receive status report from the State Board of Agricultural Research and Education (NDCC § 4-05.1-19 (PDF)(10))
Approve any purchase of commercial or residential property by the Board of University and School Lands as sole owner (NDCC § 15‑03-04)
Authorize the State Board of Higher Education to authorize construction of any building, or campus improvements and building maintenance of more than $385,000, if financed by donations (NDCC § 15‑10‑12.1)
Receive biennial report from each institution under the control of the State Board of Higher Education undertaking a capital construction project that was approved by the Legislative Assembly and for which local funds are to be used which details the source of all funds used in the project (NDCC § 15-10-12.3)
Receive reports from the Office of Management and Budget regarding the State Board of Higher Education's monthly project variance reports regarding construction projects valued at more than $250,000 (NDCC § 15-10-47)
Approve, reject, or rerefer, upon receiving a recommendation from the Emergency Commission and in conjunction with the State Board of Higher Education and the North Dakota Economic Development Foundation, designation of a center of excellence recommended by the Centers of Excellence Commission (NDCC § 15-69-02, repealed effective August 1, 2023)
Receive annual audits from a center of excellence that is awarded funds under NDCC Chapter 15-69 (PDF) on the funds distributed to the center, until completion of four years following the final distribution of funds (NDCC § 15‑69‑05, repealed effective August 1, 2023)
Receive statement from an ethanol plant in operation before July 1, 1995, and receiving a production incentive from the state indicating whether the plant produced a profit from its operation in the preceding fiscal year, after deducting the payments received under the section (NDCC § 17-02-01)
Approve comprehensive statewide land acquisition plan established by the director of the Game and Fish Department and every land acquisition of more than 10 acres or exceeding $10,000 by the Game and Fish Department (NDCC § 20.1‑02‑05.1)
Authorize the Game and Fish Department to spend money in the game and fish fund if the balance would be reduced below $15 million (NDCC § 20.1-02-16.1)
Receive at least semiannual reports from the Legacy and Budget Stabilization Fund Advisory Board (NDCC § 21-10-11)
Authorize the Developmental Center at Westwood Park to provide services under contract with a governmental or nongovernmental person (NDCC § 25-04-02.2)
Approve, with the Emergency Commission, use of the state disaster relief fund to provide the required state share of funding for expenses associated with presidential-declared disasters in the state (NDCC § 37-17.1-27)
Approve waiver of exemption of state property in a city from special assessments levied for flood control purposes (NDCC § 40‑23-22.1)
Receive annual report from the Division of Community Services on conclusions of annual audits of renaissance fund organizations (NDCC § 40-63-07)
Receive report from the commissioner of University and School Lands identifying every state agency that has not submitted a claim for property belonging to that agency (NDCC § 47-30.1-24.1)
Approve state agency relinquishment of unclaimed property belonging to that agency (NDCC § 47-30.1-24.1)
Approve the change or expansion of, or any additional expenditure for, a state building construction project approved by the Legislative Assembly (NDCC § 48-01.2-25)
Approve termination of federal food stamp or energy assistance program (NDCC § 50-06-05.1)
Receive report from Job Service North Dakota before March 1 of each year on the actual job insurance trust fund balance and the targeted modified average high-cost multiplier, as of December 31 of the previous year, and a projected trust fund balance for the next three years (NDCC § 52-02-17)
Receive report from Human Resource Management Services on the number of employees receiving bonuses above the 25 percent limitation (NDCC § 54-06-30)
Receive report from the State Treasurer, within 90 days of the beginning of each fiscal year, regarding all warrants and checks outstanding for more than 90 days and less than three years (NDCC § 54-11-01)
Receive reports on fiscal irregularities (NDCC § 54-14-03.1)
Approve transfers of money or spending authority which would eliminate or make impossible accomplishment of a program or objective funded by the Legislative Assembly (NDCC § 54-16-04)
Approve transfers exceeding $50,000 from one fund or line item to another unless necessary to comply with a court order or to avoid imminent threat to safety or imminent financial loss to the state (NDCC § 54-16-04)
Approve, with the Emergency Commission, acceptance of any federal funds made available to the state which are not for a specific purpose or program and which are not required to be spent before the next regular legislative session for deposit in a special fund until the Legislative Assembly appropriates the funds (NDCC § 54-16-04.1)
Approve Emergency Commission authorization of a state officer's acceptance of federal funds in excess of $50,000 if the acceptance of funds is not necessary to avoid an imminent threat to the safety of people or property due to a natural disaster or war crisis or an imminent financial loss to the state (NDCC § 54-16-04.1)
Approve Emergency Commission authorization of a state officer's expenditure of federal funds in excess of $50,000 if the acceptance of funds is necessary to avoid an imminent threat to the safety of people or property due to a natural disaster or war crisis or an imminent financial loss to the state (NDCC § 54-16-04.1)
Approve Emergency Commission authorization of a state officer's acceptance of funds in excess of $50,000 if the acceptance of funds is not necessary to avoid an imminent threat to the safety of people or property due to a natural disaster or war crisis or an imminent financial loss to the state (NDCC § 54-16-04.2)
Approve Emergency Commission authorization of a state officer's expenditure of funds in excess of $50,000 if the acceptance of funds is necessary to avoid an imminent threat to the safety of people or property due to a natural disaster or war crisis or an imminent financial loss to the state (NDCC § 54-16-04.2)
Approve, on the advice of the Office of Management and Budget and the recommendation of the Emergency Commission, a state officer to employ full-time equivalent positions in addition to those authorized by the Legislative Assembly (NDCC § 54‑16‑04.3)
Approve Emergency Commission authorization of transfer of spending authority from the state contingencies appropriation in excess of $50,000 if the transfer is not necessary to avoid an imminent threat to the safety of people or property due to a natural disaster or war crisis or an imminent financial loss to the state (NDCC § 54-16-09)
Receive report from the director of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation on any new program that serves adult or juvenile offenders, including alternatives to conventional incarceration and programs operated on a contract basis, if the program is anticipated to cost in excess of $100,000 during a biennium (NDCC § 54-23.3-09)
Approve use of the capital improvements planning revolving fund (NDCC § 54-27-22)
Approve use of cashflow financing (NDCC § 54-27-23)
Receive report from the Office of Management and Budget at each meeting of the Budget Section regarding the reports received from state agencies, other than entities under the control of the State Board of Higher Education, that have applied for federal grants estimated to be $25,000 or more (NDCC § 54-27-27)
Receive report on transfers of funds from the budget stabilization fund to the state general fund to offset projected decrease in general fund revenues (NDCC § 54-27.2-03)
Receive report from the director of the Office of Management and Budget on the status of tobacco settlement funds and related information (NDCC § 54-44-04)
Receive report from the Office of Management and Budget regarding any purchase of oil put options by the State Investment Board to offset reduced state general fund oil and gas tax revenues due to oil and gas prices falling below selected levels (NDCC § 54-44-16)
Prescribe form of budget information prepared by the director of the budget (NDCC § 54-44.1-07)
Object to any allotment by the director of the budget, any expenditure of a budget unit, or any failure to make an allotment or expenditure if the action or failure to act is contrary to legislative intent (NDCC § 54-44.1-12.1)
Approve reduction of budgets due to initiative or referendum action (NDCC § 54-44.1-13.1)
Receive report from the Office of Management and Budget in December of even-numbered years regarding commodities and services exempted from state procurement requirements (NDCC § 54-44.4-02.2)
Approve grants, not otherwise specifically approved by the Legislative Assembly, distributed by the Children's Services Coordinating Committee to children's services organizations and programs (NDCC § 54-56-03)
Approve execution by the Information Technology Department of proposed agreement to finance the purchase of software, equipment, or implementation of services in excess of $1 million (NDCC § 54-59-05(4))
Receive summary of annual report from the Information Technology Department (NDCC § 54-59-19)
Receive report from the Division of Workforce Development on the use of funding provided for the higher education electronic portfolio system pilot program (NDCC § 54-60-27, expires July 1, 2013)
Receive annual audits from a center of research excellence receiving funds under NDCC Chapter 54-65 on funds distributed to the center (NDCC § 54-65-03)
Receive report (for review) from the Tax Commissioner regarding any reduction the Tax Commissioner makes in the homestead property income tax credit (NDCC § 57-38-01.29)
Approve any reduction the Tax Commissioner makes in the commercial property income tax credit (NDCC § 57‑38-01.30)
Determine whether the Western Area Water Supply Authority is unable to reimburse the state, due to default on the authority's bonds, in the time period required by the Budget Section, the Budget Section may give written notice to the authority that the state has taken possession and ownership of the water system and the liabilities of the authority; and approve the State Water Commission's plan to return governance to the authority (NDCC § 61-40-09)
Receive periodic reports from Workforce Safety and Insurance and the Risk Management Division of the Office of Management and Budget on the success of a single workers' compensation account for state entities covered by NDCC Chapter 32-12.2 (PDF) (NDCC § 65‑04-03.1)
Authorize establishment of casualty insurance organization to provide extraterritorial workforce safety and insurance (NDCC § 65‑08.1‑02)
Review and report on budget data prepared by the director of the budget
Receive periodic reports from the Adjutant General on 2009 flood disaster-related expenditures, transfers, reimbursements, and general fund deposits for the period beginning April 9, 2009, and ending June 30, 2011 (2009 S.L., ch. 64, § 5)
Receive report from the University System regarding any funds expended for the University System and University of North Dakota joint information technology building project (2011 House Bill No. 1003, Section 7)
Receive report from North Dakota State University regarding the status of the Minard Hall project and authorize North Dakota State University to increase spending authorization for the project (2011 House Bill No. 1003, Section 8)
Receive quarterly reports from the State Department of Health during the 2011-12 interim regarding the status of any litigation and other administrative proceedings involving the United States Environmental Protection Agency (2011 House Bill No. 1004, Section 5)
Receive quarterly reports from the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation during the 2011-12 interim regarding the progress of the prison expansion project and any amounts and purposes of loans from the Bank of North Dakota to defray expenses of the project (2011 House Bill No. 1015, Section 5)
Receive quarterly written reports from the Tobacco Prevention and Control Executive Committee during the 2011-12 interim, including detailed information on expenditures for contract services, professional fees and services, and grants (2011 House Bill No. 1025, Section 2 (PDF))
Receive periodic reports from the Office of Management and Budget during the 2011-12 interim on the status of implementation of the compensation system changes in accordance with identified compensation system initiatives (2011 House Bill No. 1031, Section 4)
Receive report from the Insurance Commissioner at each meeting of the Budget Section during the 2011-12 interim regarding the status of provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2011 Senate Bill No. 2010, Section 9)
Receive report from the Department of Human Services after June 30, 2012, regarding any transfers of appropriation authority in excess of $50,000 between line items within subdivisions and between subdivisions for the 2011-13 biennium (2011 Senate Bill No. 2012, Section 3)
Receive at least annual reports from the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute during the 2011-12 interim regarding the status of reports for transportation infrastructure needs for all county and township roads in the state (2011 Senate Bill No. 2325, Section 1 (PDF))
Receive report from the Department of Emergency Services regarding distribution of emergency snow removal grants before June 30, 2011 (2011 Senate Bill No. 2369, Section 2 (PDF))
Approve State Water Commission expenditure of funds in excess of $447,913,774 in the water and atmospheric resource line item of the commission's 2011-13 appropriation (2011 Senate Bill No. 2020, Section 4)
Approve, with the Emergency Commission, use of funds appropriated to the Adjutant General for defraying expenses associated with presidential-declared state disasters and certain flood mitigation efforts (2011 Senate Bill No. 2369, Section 4 (PDF))
Receive report from the Industrial Commission regarding the status of any litigation or other administrative proceedings associated with the United States Environmental Protection Agency's effort to regulate hydraulic fracturing (2011 Senate Bill No. 2371, Section 28)
Receive a report from the Legislative Council staff in the fall of 2012 on the status of the state's federal funds receipts for the current biennium and estimated federal funds receipts for the subsequent biennium