Actions to Measures | North Dakota Legislative Branch

Actions to Measures

HJ House Journal
SJ Senate Journal

Legislative Day 15 January 29, 2025

Senate Measure Actions
Measure Action Journal Page(s)
HB 1149 Received from House SJ294
HB 1165 Received from House SJ294
HB 1228 Received from House SJ294
HB 1241 Received from House SJ294
HB 1259 Received from House SJ294
HB 1426 Received from House SJ294
SB 2023 Passed SJ291
SB 2032 Committee report SJ294
SB 2088 Committee report SJ294
SB 2137 Passed SJ290
SB 2138 Amendment adopted SJ290
SB 2144 Amendment adopted SJ290
SB 2150 Committee report SJ295
SB 2155 Failed SJ292
SB 2164 Committee report SJ295
SB 2166 Committee report SJ295
SB 2181 Committee report SJ295
SB 2184 Committee report SJ295
SB 2186 Amendment adopted SJ290
SB 2199 Passed SJ291
SB 2203 Committee report SJ295
SB 2204 Amendment adopted SJ290
SB 2206 Committee report SJ295
SB 2209 Committee report SJ295
SB 2218 Committee report SJ295
SB 2218 Rereferred SJ295
SB 2220 Failed SJ293
SB 2224 Passed SJ293
SB 2233 Committee report SJ296
SB 2250 Passed SJ292
SB 2257 Passed SJ292
SB 2273 Amendment adopted SJ290
SB 2275 Committee report SJ296
SB 2276 Request return from committee SJ289
SB 2276 Rereferred SJ289
SB 2278 Amendment adopted SJ290
SB 2288 Passed SJ293
SB 2297 Rereferred SJ289
SB 2297 Request return from committee SJ289
SB 2304 Withdrawn SJ290
SB 2304 Request return from committee SJ290
SB 2310 Passed SJ291
SB 2323 Rereferred SJ296
SB 2323 Committee report SJ296
SB 2325 Request return from committee SJ290
SB 2325 Rereferred SJ290
SB 2328 Committee report SJ296
SB 2334 Committee report SJ296
SB 2366 Introduced SJ296
SB 2390 Introduced SJ296
SB 2399 Introduced SJ296
SB 2400 Introduced SJ297
SCR 4003 Failed SJ294
SCR 4010 Introduced SJ297