Actions to Measures | North Dakota Legislative Branch

Actions to Measures

HJ House Journal
SJ Senate Journal

Legislative Day 16 January 30, 2025

Senate Measure Actions
Measure Action Journal Page(s)
HB 1147 Received from House SJ307
HB 1211 Received from House SJ307
HB 1367 Received from House SJ307
HB 1416 Received from House SJ307
SB 2005 Committee report SJ307
SB 2011 Committee report SJ308
SB 2013 Passed SJ306
SB 2017 Committee report SJ308
SB 2022 Committee report SJ308
SB 2032 Amendment adopted SJ302
SB 2088 Amendment adopted SJ302
SB 2112 Committee report SJ308
SB 2113 Amendment adopted SJ375
SB 2113 Committee report SJ308
SB 2120 Committee report SJ308
SB 2138 Passed SJ305
SB 2144 Passed SJ305
SB 2149 Committee report SJ308
SB 2150 Passed SJ303
SB 2150 Amended on floor SJ303
SB 2150 Amendment failed SJ303
SB 2155 Reconsider SJ301
SB 2155 Passed SJ301
SB 2164 Amendment adopted SJ302
SB 2166 Failed SJ304
SB 2174 Committee report SJ308
SB 2181 Failed SJ303
SB 2184 Amendment adopted SJ302
SB 2186 Passed SJ306
SB 2192 Committee report SJ308
SB 2202 Committee report SJ309
SB 2203 Failed SJ302
SB 2204 Passed SJ307
SB 2206 Rereferred SJ301
SB 2209 Rereferred SJ302
SB 2209 Amendment adopted SJ302
SB 2225 Committee report SJ309
SB 2233 Passed SJ304
SB 2255 Committee report SJ309
SB 2264 Committee report SJ309
SB 2273 Passed SJ305
SB 2275 Amendment adopted SJ302
SB 2277 Committee report SJ309
SB 2278 Passed SJ306
SB 2293 Committee report SJ309
SB 2294 Committee report SJ309
SB 2328 Rereferred SJ302
SB 2328 Amendment adopted SJ302
SB 2329 Committee report SJ309
SB 2334 Passed SJ304
HCR 3003 Received from House SJ307
SCR 4011 Introduced SJ310
SCR 4012 Introduced SJ310
SCR 4013 Introduced SJ310
SCR 4014 Introduced SJ310
SCR 4015 Introduced SJ310
SCR 4016 Introduced SJ310
SCR 4017 Introduced SJ310
SCR 4018 Introduced SJ310
SCR 4019 Introduced SJ310
SCR 4020 Introduced SJ310
SCR 4021 Introduced SJ310