Member Video Inquiry - Representative Kempenich

Video Inquiry

Biography for Representative Kempenich
69th Legislative Assembly (2025-27)

Video Index for Representative Kempenich, Keith

A Amendment
E Engrossment

Total Videos:  71
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/10 12:54 PM 2 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1047 - Judiciary - Do Pass 25.8026.01000
01/14 01:24 PM 4 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1073 - Government and Veterans Affairs - Do Pass 25.8097.01000
01/16 02:20 PM 6 Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Representative Kempenich - In Favor
01/16 03:11 PM 6 House Agriculture Representative Kempenich - Introduced Bill - In Favor
01/17 10:01 AM 7 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Kempenich closed the hearing on HB 1017
01/20 10:31 AM 8 House Finance and Taxation Representative Kempenich - District 39 - Introduced the bill
01/24 01:43 PM 12 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1298 - Transportation - Do Pass 25.0496.01000
01/27 01:08 PM 13 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1136 - Agriculture - Do Not Pass 25.0430.01000
01/28 01:50 PM 14 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1406 - Industry, Business and Labor - Do Pass 25.1118.02000
01/28 04:42 PM 14 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Kempenich - Legacy Fund Advisory Board - In Opposition
01/30 08:59 AM 16 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moved a Do Pass as Amended
01/30 04:03 PM 16 House Transportation Representative Kempenich - District 39 - Introduced the Bill
01/31 09:02 AM 17 House Transportation Representative Kempenich - District 39 - Introduced the Bill - #33171
02/03 09:54 AM 18 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moved Do Pass
02/03 10:24 AM 18 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moved Do Pass as Amended
02/03 02:53 PM 18 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Kempenich opened discussion on HB 1023
02/03 02:55 PM 18 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Kempenich opened discussion
02/03 03:30 PM 18 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Kempenich explained the changes to the bill
02/03 03:40 PM 18 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Kempenich moved Amendment - LC #25.0167.01001 - #33848
02/03 03:41 PM 18 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Kempenich moved Do Pass As Amended
02/05 11:03 AM 20 House Finance and Taxation Representative Kempenich - District 39 - In favor - #35342
02/06 11:00 AM 21 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Kempenich - Testified in opposition
02/07 10:29 AM 22 House Agriculture Representative Kempenich - Introduced Concurrent Resolution - In Favor
02/11 10:19 AM 24 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Kempenich seconded
02/11 11:13 AM 24 House Appropriations - Human Resources Division Representative Kempenich - Republican Representative - District 39 - In Favor - Verbal Testimony
02/12 03:38 PM 25 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moved Amendment LC# 25.0167.01001
02/12 03:46 PM 25 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moved Do Pass as Amended
02/13 09:02 AM 26 House Transportation Representative Kempenich - District 39 - Introduced the Bill in Opposition
02/13 10:00 AM 26 House Agriculture Representative Kempenich-Introduced Bill-In Favor-37681
02/14 08:42 AM 27 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Kempenich moved Amendment
02/14 08:43 AM 27 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Kempenich moved Do Pass As Amended
02/14 01:22 PM 27 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1295 - Finance and Taxation - Do Not Pass 25.0948.01000
02/17 03:49 PM 28 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moves Amendment
02/17 04:35 PM 28 House 8th Order - Motions and Resolutions - HB1183 - Industry, Business and Labor - Do Pass 25.0801.01000
25.0801.01001 A
25.0801.02000 E
02/17 05:08 PM 28 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1023 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0167.02000
02/17 06:58 PM 28 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Introduces Amendment LC# 25.0149.01002 - #37933
02/17 07:02 PM 28 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moves Amendment
02/17 07:11 PM 28 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moves Do Pass as Amended
02/17 07:19 PM 28 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moves to Amend to Increase the Funding Amounts
02/17 07:30 PM 28 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Seconds
02/18 01:23 PM 29 House 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1193 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0501.01000
25.0501.01004 A
25.0501.01004 S
25.0501.02000 E
02/18 07:10 PM 29 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moves Do Pass
02/18 07:25 PM 29 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moves Do Not Pass
02/19 06:23 PM 30 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moves Amendment
02/19 06:27 PM 30 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moves Do Pass as Amended
02/19 06:58 PM 30 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moves to Amend to Remove Section 2
02/19 07:10 PM 30 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moves Do Not Pass
02/19 07:16 PM 30 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moves Do Not Pass
02/19 07:48 PM 30 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moves Do Not Pass
02/20 11:05 AM 31 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moves to Amend to Adjust the Funding Amount
02/20 01:47 PM 31 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1005 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0149.02000
02/20 05:03 PM 31 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich moves Amendment
02/20 06:40 PM 31 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich moved to amend by deleting Section 2
02/20 07:38 PM 31 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich seconded
02/20 08:20 PM 31 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich seconded
02/24 10:43 AM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1086 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.8126.05000
02/24 01:50 PM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1275 - Appropriations - Do Not Pass 25.1056.02000
02/24 06:04 PM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1476 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.1137.04000
02/25 09:05 AM 34 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moves Do Not Pass
02/25 06:31 PM 34 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1604 - Appropriations - Do Not Pass 25.1306.05000
03/07 08:34 AM 35 Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Representative Kempenich - Senator from District 39 - Introduced the Bill - In Favor
03/14 01:07 PM 40 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2285 - Judiciary - Do Pass 25.1100.02000
03/17 12:46 PM 41 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HCR3036 - Government and Veterans Affairs - Do Not Pass 25.3106.01000
03/17 02:01 PM 41 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2368 - Agriculture - Do Pass 25.1347.02000
03/20 09:06 AM 44 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Seconded
03/20 09:30 AM 44 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moved Do Pass
03/20 10:46 AM 44 House Appropriations Representative Kempenich Moved Do Pass
03/24 02:37 PM 46 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Kempenich seconded the Do Pass As Amended
03/24 03:29 PM 46 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Kempenich explained a potential amendment - LC#25.0189.02002 - #43675
03/24 03:50 PM 46 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Kempenich continued the explanation of LC# 25.0189.02002 - #43675
03/24 03:58 PM 46 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Kempenich moved to further amend to include study of a name change