Member Video Inquiry - Senator Lee

Video Inquiry

Biography for Senator Lee
69th Legislative Assembly (2025-27)

Video Index for Senator Lee, Judy

A Amendment
E Engrossment

Total Videos:  181
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/07 12:04 PM 1 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
01/07 12:08 PM 1 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
01/09 11:01 AM Senate State and Local Government Senator Judy Lee moved a Do Pass
01/09 12:14 PM Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee
01/10 11:13 AM 2 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee moved a do pass
01/10 12:59 PM 2 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
01/13 01:22 PM 3 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
01/14 09:29 AM 4 Senate Human Services Closed the Hearing
01/14 10:00 AM 4 Senate Human Services Closed the Hearing
01/14 11:04 AM 4 Senate Human Services Closed the Hearing
01/14 01:22 PM 4 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2078 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.8088.01000
01/14 01:23 PM 4 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
01/15 09:32 AM 5 Senate Human Services Chairwoman Lee Closed the Hearing
01/15 09:47 AM 5 Senate Human Services Chairwoman Lee Closed the Hearing
01/16 10:37 AM 6 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee proposed amendment
01/16 11:11 AM 6 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Not Pass
01/17 01:34 PM 7 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
01/20 09:08 AM 8 Senate Human Services Chairwoman Lee Closed the Hearing
01/20 09:32 AM 8 Senate Human Services Chairwoman Lee Closed the Hearing
01/20 10:05 AM 8 Senate Human Services Chairwoman Lee Closed the Hearing
01/20 10:07 AM 8 Senate Human Services Senator Lee - Introduced the Bill in Favor
01/20 10:34 AM 8 Senate Human Services Closed the Hearing
01/20 10:36 AM 8 Senate Human Services Senator Lee - introduced the Bill in Favor
01/20 11:05 AM 8 Senate Human Services Closed the Hearing
01/20 02:15 PM 8 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
01/21 09:04 AM 9 Senate Human Services Senator Lee Introduced the Bill in Favor
01/21 09:46 AM 9 Senate Human Services Senator Lee Introduced the Bill in Favor
01/21 10:01 AM 9 Senate Industry and Business Senator Lee - ND District 13 - Introduced the Bill - In Favor
01/21 01:23 PM 9 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
01/21 01:24 PM 9 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
01/22 09:00 AM 10 Senate Judiciary Senator Lee - Bill Sponsor - In Favor - Testimony #30667
01/22 01:08 PM 10 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2195 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.1022.01000
25.1022.01001 A
25.1022.02000 E
01/22 01:12 PM 10 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2201 - Finance and Taxation - Do Pass 25.0308.04000
25.0308.04001 A
25.0308.05000 E
01/22 01:37 PM 10 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
01/23 01:15 PM 11 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2173 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.0814.01000
25.0814.01001 A
25.0814.02000 E
01/23 01:36 PM 11 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2195 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.1022.02000
01/23 03:05 PM 11 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved Amendment LC#25.0588.02001
01/23 03:12 PM 11 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee moves Do Pass as Amended
01/24 08:44 AM 12 Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Senator Lee - Represents District 13 - Introduced the Bill - In Favor
01/24 09:02 AM 12 Senate Workforce Development Senator Lee introduced the Bill in Favor
01/24 12:45 PM 12 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2173 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.0814.02000
01/24 01:04 PM 12 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
01/27 09:05 AM 13 Senate Human Services Senator Lee Closed the Hearing
01/27 11:38 AM 13 Senate Human Services Senator Lee Introduced the Bill in Favor
01/27 01:39 PM 13 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
01/28 09:45 AM 14 Senate Human Services Senator Lee introduced the Bill in Favor
01/28 01:50 PM 14 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
01/29 01:10 PM 15 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2273 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.1302.01000
25.1302.01001 A
25.1302.02000 E
01/29 02:07 PM 15 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2220 - Judiciary - Do Not Pass 25.0955.01000
01/29 02:15 PM 15 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
01/30 09:05 AM 16 Senate Transportation Senator Lee - District 13 - Introduced Bill
01/30 09:26 AM 16 Senate State and Local Government Senator Judy Lee - Seconded
01/30 09:52 AM 16 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved Amendment LC# 25.0991.01002
01/30 09:54 AM 16 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved Do Pass as Amended
01/30 11:33 AM 16 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved Amendment LC# 25.0282.02001
01/30 11:35 AM 16 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Pass as Amended
01/30 01:25 PM 16 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2203 - Industry and Business - Do Not Pass 25.0036.01000
01/30 02:01 PM 16 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2273 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.1302.02000
01/30 02:22 PM 16 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2186 - Judiciary - Do Pass 25.0805.03000
01/30 03:15 PM 16 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved Amendment LC#25.8018.01001
01/30 03:31 PM 16 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - re-referred to Appropriations
01/31 09:47 AM 17 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Legislative Assembly - Introduced Bill
01/31 12:36 PM 17 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2112 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.8077.01000
25.8077.01001 A
25.8077.02000 E
01/31 12:53 PM 17 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2113 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.8094.03000
25.8094.03001 A
25.8094.04000 E
01/31 01:14 PM 17 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2032 - Industry and Business - Do Pass 25.0386.03000
01/31 01:36 PM 17 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
02/03 09:07 AM 18 House Finance and Taxation Senator Lee - District 13 - In Favor - #33725
02/03 02:11 PM 18 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2251 - State and Local Government - Do Pass 25.0851.01000
02/03 02:26 PM 18 Senate 8TH ORDER - DIVISION A
02/03 02:32 PM 18 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
02/04 10:13 AM 19 Senate Human Services Senator Lee Introduced the Bill in Favor
02/04 01:07 PM 19 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2324 - State and Local Government - Do Pass 25.0991.01000
25.0991.01002 A
25.0991.03000 E
02/04 01:10 PM 19 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2231 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.0532.01000
25.0532.01001 A
25.0532.02000 E
02/04 01:20 PM 19 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2249 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.0138.02000
25.0138.02001 A
25.0138.03000 E
02/04 01:22 PM 19 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2249 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.0138.03000
02/04 01:24 PM 19 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2259 - State and Local Government - Do Pass 25.1201.01000
02/04 01:42 PM 19 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2225 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.1186.02000
02/04 02:07 PM 19 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
02/05 01:21 PM 20 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2190 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.0084.01000
25.0084.01001 A
25.0084.03000 E
02/05 01:25 PM 20 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2200 - Industry and Business - Do Pass 25.0770.02000
25.0770.02001 A
25.0770.03000 E
02/05 01:39 PM 20 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2324 - State and Local Government - Do Pass 25.0991.03000
02/06 01:15 PM 21 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2399 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.1375.01000
25.1375.01001 A
25.1375.02000 E
02/07 10:59 AM 22 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Not Pass as Amended
02/07 12:44 PM 22 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2029 - Judiciary - Do Pass 25.0224.02000
25.0224.02002 A
25.0224.03000 E
02/07 12:59 PM 22 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2190 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0084.03000
02/07 01:40 PM 22 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2183 - Transportation - Do Pass 25.0663.01000
02/07 01:50 PM 22 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2194 - Workforce Development - Do Not Pass 25.0357.01000
02/07 01:58 PM 22 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
02/10 02:47 PM 23 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
02/11 02:14 PM 24 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2386 - Agriculture and Veterans Affairs - Do Pass 25.1349.02000
02/11 02:34 PM 24 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2112 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.8077.02000
02/11 02:44 PM 24 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2112 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.8077.02000
02/11 02:52 PM 24 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
02/11 03:14 PM 24 Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division Senator Lee - Introduced the Bill - In Favor
02/11 03:51 PM 24 Senate Human Services Senator Lee Seconded the Motion
02/12 01:04 PM 25 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HCR3027 25.3098.01000
02/13 11:09 AM 26 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Pass on Amendment LC#25.1208.02001
02/13 11:10 AM 26 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Pass on SB as Amended
02/13 11:21 AM 26 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Not Pass on SB 2317 as Amended
02/13 01:09 PM 26 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2375 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.1361.01000
25.1361.01001 A
25.1361.02000 E
02/13 02:00 PM 26 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2347 - Judiciary - Do Pass 25.0647.03000
02/13 02:07 PM 26 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2347 - Judiciary - Do Pass 25.0647.03000
02/13 02:51 PM 26 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Second
02/14 08:54 AM 27 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Not Pass
02/14 10:37 AM 27 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved Amendment LC# 25.1278.01001
02/14 12:37 PM 27 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2348 - Industry and Business - Do Pass 25.1024.02000
25.1024.02001 A
25.1024.03000 E
02/14 12:46 PM 27 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2375 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.1361.02000
02/14 12:51 PM 27 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2375 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.1361.02000
02/14 01:27 PM 27 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2291 - Judiciary - Do Pass 25.1110.02000
02/14 02:21 PM 27 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2192 - Appropriations - Do Not Pass 25.0215.02000
02/14 03:05 PM 27 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
02/17 01:34 PM 28 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2348 - Industry and Business - Do Pass 25.1024.03000
02/17 02:00 PM 28 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2100 - Workforce Development - Do Not Pass 25.0331.01000
02/17 02:15 PM 28 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
02/18 01:47 PM 29 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2332 - State and Local Government - Do Pass 25.1208.02000
25.1208.02001 A
25.1208.03000 E
02/18 02:56 PM 29 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2096 - Appropriations - Floor Amendment 25.0114.05000
25.0114.05001 A
25.0114.06000 E
02/19 01:53 PM 30 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2383 - Judiciary - Do Pass 25.0774.03000
02/19 02:50 PM 30 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2280 - Industry and Business - Do Pass 25.1180.03000
02/19 03:00 PM 30 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2231 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0532.02000
02/20 12:56 PM 31 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2307 - Judiciary 25.0552.06000
02/20 01:37 PM 31 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2399 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.1375.02000
02/20 01:44 PM 31 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2317 - State and Local Government - Do Not Pass 25.1086.02000
02/20 01:57 PM 31 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2332 - State and Local Government - Do Pass 25.1208.03000
02/20 02:11 PM 31 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2330 - Education - Do Pass 25.0551.06000
02/20 02:49 PM 31 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2351 - Education - Do Pass 25.1342.02000
02/20 04:32 PM 31 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Not Pass on SB2258
02/20 04:45 PM 31 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Not Pass on SB2349
02/20 04:46 PM 31 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee
02/20 04:52 PM 31 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Second
02/20 04:56 PM 31 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Pass on SCR 4007
02/20 05:05 PM 31 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Not Pass on SCR 4011
02/21 09:09 AM 32 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Pass on SCR4013
02/21 10:23 AM 32 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Pass on SCR 4014
02/21 01:22 PM 32 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2029 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0224.04000
02/21 02:12 PM 32 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2400 - Appropriations - Floor Amendment 25.1334.03000
25.1334.03004 A
25.1334.05000 E
02/24 10:09 AM 33 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2364 - Judiciary - Do Pass 25.0840.02000
25.0840.02001 A
25.0840.03000 E
02/24 10:20 AM 33 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2267 - Agriculture and Veterans Affairs - Do Pass 25.0988.01000
25.0988.01001 A
25.0988.02000 E
02/24 10:29 AM 33 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2267 - Agriculture and Veterans Affairs - Do Pass 25.0988.02000
02/24 11:29 AM 33 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2370 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.1364.02000
02/24 11:43 AM 33 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2252 - State and Local Government - Do Not Pass 25.0769.04000
02/24 03:51 PM 33 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SCR4023 - Finance and Taxation - Do Not Pass 25.3036.01000
02/24 04:31 PM 33 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2315 - State and Local Government - Do Not Pass 25.0593.03000
02/24 04:37 PM 33 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2258 - State and Local Government - Do Not Pass 25.0826.04000
02/24 04:41 PM 33 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2258 - State and Local Government - Floor Amendment 25.0826.04000
25.0826.04001 A
25.0826.05000 E
02/24 04:43 PM 33 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2258 - State and Local Government - Do Not Pass 25.0826.05000
02/24 04:45 PM 33 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SCR4007 - State and Local Government - Do Pass 25.3051.01000
02/24 05:21 PM 33 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SCR4024 - State and Local Government - Do Pass 25.3079.01000
02/25 11:34 AM 34 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2363 - Appropriations - Without Committee Recommendation 25.1333.04000
02/25 02:01 PM 34 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2308 - State and Local Government - Do Pass 25.0776.03000
02/25 02:02 PM 34 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2308 - State and Local Government - Floor Amendment 25.0776.03000
25.0776.03001 A
25.0776.04000 E
02/25 02:13 PM 34 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2308 - State and Local Government - Do Pass 25.0776.03000
02/25 02:23 PM 34 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SCR4014 - State and Local Government - Do Pass 25.3077.01000
02/25 02:28 PM 34 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
03/06 09:28 AM Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Pass on HB1113
03/06 10:05 AM Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Pass on HB1112
03/06 10:26 AM Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Seconded
03/06 10:28 AM Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Seconded
03/06 10:43 AM Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Seconded
03/07 09:52 AM 35 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Pass on HB1198
03/07 09:53 AM 35 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Seconded
03/07 12:44 PM 35 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1543 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.1305.01000
25.1305.01002 A
25.1305.02000 E
03/07 02:27 PM 35 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1087 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.8128.01000
03/07 02:40 PM 35 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
03/10 01:23 PM 36 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1543 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.1305.02000
03/10 02:23 PM 36 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
03/11 09:03 AM 37 House Human Services Senator Lee Introduced the Bill
03/11 09:53 AM 37 House Human Services Senator Lee Introduced the Bill
03/11 12:59 PM 37 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1112 - State and Local Government - Do Pass 25.0115.02000
03/11 01:50 PM 37 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
03/11 02:28 PM 37 House Human Services Senator Lee Introduced the Bill
03/11 02:34 PM 37 House Human Services Senator Lee Introduced the Bill
03/12 10:08 AM 38 House Human Services Senator Lee Introduced the Bill
03/12 01:25 PM 38 Senate 17th Order - Announcements
03/13 10:15 AM 39 House Agriculture Senator Lee-Introduced Bill-In Favor-41347
03/13 10:44 AM 39 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Not Pass on SCR 4028 as Amended
03/13 10:56 AM 39 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Pass on HB1158
03/13 11:00 AM 39 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Not Pass on HB1255
03/13 11:22 AM 39 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Pass on HB1138
03/14 09:06 AM 40 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Pass on HB1599
03/14 09:07 AM 40 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee
03/14 01:22 PM 40 Senate 17th Order - Announcements