Education Committee
Number Of Members: 20
September 24, 2024 - 9:00 am to 2:45 pm CDT
August 14, 2024 - 9:00 am to 11:30 am CDT
March 6, 2024 - 10:00 am to 3:00 pm CST
December 20, 2023 - 9:00 am to 3:30 pm CST
August 29, 2023 - 9:00 am to 3:00 pm CDT
Committee Memorandums
1238 § 2 Study the implementation of effective parameters for the ending fund balance for a school district so a school district is able to achieve credit scores sufficient to bond at a reduced cost to taxpayers while ensuring equitable and adequate education. The study must include identification of efficient ways to analyze information on district expenditures; a review of the ending fund balance's impact on a district's short- and long-range planning, related facilities, staffing, and programming; an evaluation of possible trends between state investment, district expenditures, and student performance; and a review of the dramatic increase in behavioral and mental health issues of students, which are addressed by schools with school budgets, in addition to the traditional scope of academic preparation.
2284 § 13 Study school choice models implemented nationally for K-12 schools, including charter schools, magnet schools, private schools, voucher systems, and home schools. The study must include input from stakeholders, including public and nonpublic teachers and administrators, parents of students, representatives from the Department of Public Instruction, a representative from the Governor's office, and representatives from regional education associations. The study also must include a review of regulations implemented by state regulatory agencies to ensure accountability for various school choice models; a comparison of nontraditional school choice models implemented by other states; an analysis of the impact of enrollment fluctuation, including the impact on state aid; a review of the state's student population and enrollment capacity and tuition costs of nonpublic schools; and a review of services nonpublic schools are able to offer students with special needs.
2284 § 15 Study the feasibility, desirability, and impact of replacing storm days with virtual instruction days. The study must include input from the Department of Public Instruction, public school administrators and teachers, and other stakeholders. The study also must include a review of relevant statutes, plans approved by school boards, and current practices related to storm days.
Receive an annual report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction regarding the implementation of intervention measures for chronically low-performing schools. (2023 Senate Bill No. 2254 § 1) (NDCC § 15.1-02-23)
Receive a report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction in even-numbered years regarding a comparison of academic performance of students participating in virtual instruction versus those not participating in virtual instruction and the use of the statewide prekindergarten through grade twelve strategic vision framework goals. (2023 House Bill No. 1376 § 2) (NDCC § 15.1-07-25.4)
Receive a biennial report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction regarding proposals to allow students enrolled in grades six through twelve to earn course credit through educational opportunities with a sponsoring entity. (NDCC § 15.1-07-35)
Receive periodic reports from the Superintendent of Public Instruction on the implementation and effectiveness of reading curriculum and professional development training requirements in improving educational outcomes and reading competency of students. (NDCC § 15.1-21-12.1)
Receive a report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction before December 1 of each year on the categories and amount spent by each school district on school safety and security measures during the previous school year. (2023 House Bill No. 1337 § 1) (NDCC § 15.1-07-36)
Receive a report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction before July 1, 2024, regarding dyslexia screening and intervention. (2023 House Bill No. 1231 § 3) (NDCC § 15.1-32-26)
Receive a quarterly report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction on the implementation and effectiveness of the appropriation provided to the Department of Public Instruction for the purposes of supporting professional learning related to the science of reading and implementing systematic direct literacy instruction to improve educational outcomes. The report must include the number of teachers trained, an anticipated timeline of results trends, and any results trends available. (2023 Senate Bill No. 2284 § 18)
Receive a report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction on any updates to the strategic vision and the collaborative report of the strategic plans of each steering committee member entity receiving state education funds. (NDCC § 15.1-02-04)
Receive an annual report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction by the end of February on the financial condition of school districts. (NDCC § 15.1-02-09)
Receive from the Superintendent of Public Instruction the compilation of annual school district employee compensation reports. (NDCC § 15.1-02-13)
Receive an annual report from the Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve Education Coordination Council on the activities of the council. (NDCC § 15.1-01-04(9))
Before the Superintendent of Public Instruction may submit proposed changes to the state accountability plan, the superintendent must present changes to an interim committee designated by the Legislative Management. (NDCC § 15.1-02‑17)
Receive a report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction of a request from a school or school district for a waiver of any rule governing the accreditation of schools. (NDCC § 15.1-06-08)
Receive a report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction regarding waivers applications under Section 15.1-06-08.1. (NDCC § 15.1-06-08.1)
Receive an annual report from the Superintendent of Public Instruction regarding the innovative education program, including the status of the implementation plan, a summary of any waived statutes or rules; and a review of evaluation date results. (NDCC § 15.1-06-08.2)
Receive a report from the Education Standards and Practices Board regarding electronic satisfaction survey results of all interactions with individuals seeking information or services from the board. (NDCC § 15.1-13-36)
Receive from the Superintendent of Public Instruction the compilation of test scores of a test aligned to the state content standards in reading, mathematics, and science, given annually to students statewide. (NDCC § 15.1-21-10)