2003 Regular Session (58th Legislative Assembly)
Labor and Employment
Category | Bill |
After-acquired Medical Evidence in Workers' Comp. Claims | SB 2167 |
Collective Bargaining for Political Subdivisions | SB 2290 |
Collective Bargaining for State Employees | HB 1377 |
Commerce Data and Employee Information for Workers' Comp | HB 1334 |
Confidentiality of Central Personnel Mediation Records | SB 2107 |
Constitutional Amendment - Discrim & Prefer Treatment Prohib | HCR 3067 |
Contagious Disease Testing Procedures | HB 1221 |
Contracts of Teachers in Reorganized Districts | HB 1258 |
Death Benefits for Workers' Compensation | HB 1455 |
Direct Deposit of Employee Wages | HB 1382 |
Economic Development Effectiveness and Abatements | SB 2406 |
Economic Development Effectiveness Information | HB 1417 |
Election Board Member Employment Protection | HB 1203 |
Employer Child Care Income Tax Credit | HB 1289 |
Employment Agent or Agency Licensing | SB 2079 |
False Claims or Statements to Workers' Comp. | SB 2397 |
Family Sick Leave Use by State Employees | HB 1474 |
Garnishment Expiration | SB 2204 |
Growing North Dakota Commission | SB 2393 |
Health Care, Appeals, and Rights for Workers' Comp | HB 1302 |
Human Rights Commission and Housing Discrimination | SB 2306 |
Human Rights Complaint Filing Time | SB 2067 |
Internet Web Site for Careers and Jobs | SB 2030 |
Legislative Council Economic Develop Near Indian Reserv Study | SCR 4035 |
Legislative Council Health Ins for Child & Working Family Study | HCR 3066 |
Legislative Council Indian Issues Study | SCR 4029 |
Legislative Council Unemployment Compensation System Study | HCR 3060 |
Legislative Council Workers' Comp Death Benefits Study | HCR 3050 |
Mental Injury Workers' Compensation Benefits | HB 1317 |
Nursing Mothers Employer's Responsibilities | HB 1464 |
Occupational Therapist License Renewal and Practice | SB 2142 |
Preference for Residents in State Hiring | HB 1240 |
Premium Calculations for Workers' Compensation | HB 1370 |
Private Insurer Workers' Compensation Coverage | HB 1304 |
Private Sector Uniform Group Insurance Participation | SB 2386 |
Railroad Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Policy | SB 2179 |
Shared Work Unemployment Compensation Repeal | HB 1099 |
Small Employer Health Benefit Plans | SB 2281 |
Smoking in Places of Public Access | HB 1408 |
Social Security Offset for Workers' Comp | SB 2351 |
Tanf Exemption for Parent of Infant | HB 1446 |
Targeted Jobs Employment Tax Credits | HB 1315 |
Unemployment Benefit Amount and Maximum | SB 2225 |
Unemployment Benefits, Records, and Eligibility | HB 1096 |
Unemployment Insurance Benefit Determinations Finality | HB 1098 |
Unemployment Insurance Tax Rates Assignment | HB 1097 |
Union Representation Expenses of Nonunion Members | SB 2392 |
Veterans Day Vacation for Veterans | HB 1418 |
Wage and Working Condition Rule Adoption | HB 1082 |
Workers' Comp Definitions, Limits, and Benefits | HB 1060 |
Workers' Compensation Coverage of Profession Employer Org | SB 2298 |
Workers' Compensation Various Provisions | HB 1149 |
Workplace Harassment and Violence Remedies | HB 1057 |