1997 Regular Session (55th Legislative Assembly)
Legislative Council
Category | Bill |
Administrative Rules Committee Membership | HB 1385 |
Administrative Rules Committee Time for Voiding Rules | HB 1030 |
Administrative Rules Effective Date | HB 1031 |
Administrative Rules Limited and Authority Study | HB 1461 |
Airline Service Study | HCR 3020 |
Appropriation | SB 2001 |
Block Grant Hearings | HCR 3007 |
Budget Section | |
Leasing by State Agencies Approval | HB 1187 |
Budget Section Review of Budget Office Actions Eliminated | SB 2023 |
Campus Building Budget Section Approval | HB 1179 |
Computer Use Fee for Legislators | SB 2213 |
Core Curriculum for Elementary and Secondary Education | SB 2342 |
Correction of References to Occupational Licensing Boards | SB 2253 |
Higher Education Board, Budget, Reports, Authority | HB 1312 |
Independent Audits of Workers Compensation Bureau | SB 2074 |
Information Technology Coordination Report | HB 1034 |
Legislative Assembly Air Travel Expense Amount | SB 2219 |
Legislative Compensation Monthly Amount | SB 2051 |
Legislative Council Compensation for Interim Meetings | SB 2052 |
Legislative Council Hearings on Initiated/referred Measures | HB 1231 |
Legislative Council Membership | HB 1206 |
Legislative Sessions for Budget Adjustment in Even Years | SB 2346 |
Legislator Sales and Honoraria Restrictions | HB 1477 |
Legisltor Interim Compensation and Expenses | SB 2053 |
Lieutenant Governor Removed From Interim Committees | SB 2054 |
Proposed Studies | |
"abuse" and "neglect" Law Usage Study | SCR 4042 |
Advocacy Program Merger Study | SCR 4038 |
Affordable Housing Barriers Study | HCR 3046 |
Agricultural Lien Filing Study | SCR 4044 |
Airline Service Study | HCR 3020 |
Assistive Technology Reimbursement Study | SCR 4054 |
Boiler Operator Licensing Study | SCR 4037 |
Charitable Property Tax Exemption Study | HCR 3052 |
Child Support, Custody, and Visitation Study | HCR 3031 |
Child Support Services and Child Care Licensing Study | HB 1041 |
Clerk of District Court Funding Study | HCR 3001 |
Core Curriculum for Elementary and Secondary Education | SB 2342 |
County Consolidation Study | SCR 4014 |
Criminal Justice Support Mechanisms | SCR 4020 |
Custody, Visitation, and Child Support Study | HCR 3034 |
Department of Commerce Study | HCR 3028 |
Department of Human Services Study | HCR 3042 |
Discrimination Study | SCR 4036 |
District Court and Clerk Study | SCR 4045 |
Divorce Issues Study | SCR 4048 |
Domestic Violence Prevention Study | SCR 4026 |
Education Title Study | SCR 4002 |
Elderly and Disabled Services Study | HCR 3004 |
Electric Industry Competition Committee | HB 1237 |
Electronic Mail Policy Study | SCR 4024 |
Elementary and Secondary Curriculum Study | HCR 3009 |
Emergency Medical Services Study | HCR 3008 |
Even-year Legislative Session Study | HCR 3050 |
Exempt Property Impact on Schools Study | HCR 3044 |
Extended Area Telecommunications Study | SCR 4055 |
Extension Service and Research Center Appropriations | SB 2064 |
Federal Education Legislation Impact Study | SCR 4047 |
Fee Hunting and Guide Qualifications Study | HCR 3048 |
Hail Suppression Study | HCR 3043 |
Income Tax Incentives Study | HCR 3039 |
Insurance Consultants Practices Study | SCR 4043 |
Juvenile Crime Disposition Study | SCR 4053 |
Legislative Employee Compensation | SCR 4017 |
Legislative Process Study | HCR 3049 |
Legislative Session Recess Study | HCR 3051 |
Lignite Industry Tax and Regulation Study | SCR 4050 |
Long-term Care Bed Conversion Study | HCR 3003 |
Long-term Care Financing Issues Study | HCR 3006 |
Managed Health Care Study | HCR 3033 |
Mental Health and Foster Care Services Study | SCR 4001 |
Mobile Home and Trailer Taxation Study | HCR 3038 |
Native American Long-term Care Needs Study | HCR 3005 |
Natural Resources Department Study | HCR 3041 |
North Dakota-south Dakota Collaboration Study | SCR 4004 |
Nursing Services in Schools Study | HCR 3053 |
Occupational Licensing Privatization Study | SCR 4052 |
Performance Review Budgeting Study | HCR 3045 |
Prepaid College Tuition Study | SCR 4040 |
Privatization Study | SCR 4023 |
Property Tax Relief Study | HCR 3037 |
Public Health Planning Study | HCR 3030 |
Public Utility Territorial Integrity Study | SCR 4022 |
School Accreditation Study | HCR 3047 |
School Core Curriculum Study | SCR 4051 |
Sexual Abuse Victim Study | SCR 4025 |
Sexual Offense Laws Study | SCR 4049 |
Social Services Provision Study | HCR 3032 |
State Investment Study | HCR 3002 |
Teacher Professional Practices Study | HCR 3035 |
Tffr Resumed Participation Study | SCR 4021 |
Transportation Funding Study | SCR 4019 |
Truancy Study | HCR 3040 |
Vocational and Technical Education Study | SCR 4046 |
Voter Registration Study | SCR 4039 |
Watershed District Study | SCR 4041 |
Welfare Reform Tribal Relations Study | SCR 4030 |
Regional Planning Council Audits | SB 2047 |
Tribal-state Gaming Compact Approval and Records | SB 2399 |
Water Commission Membership and Quorum | SB 2271 |
Workers' Compensation Confidentiality/legislative Testimony | HB 1304 |
Workers' Compensation Records Confidentiality | HB 1383 |