2007 Regular Session (60th Legislative Assembly)
Category | Bill |
House Concurrent | |
Abraham Lincoln's Birthday Observance | HCR 3035 |
American Cancer Society Awareness Day | HCR 3043 |
Anwr Oil & Gas Development Urged | HCR 3023 |
Armenian Genocide Remembrance April 24 | HCR 3003 |
Bono Honored for Humanitarian Work | HCR 3027 |
Budget Section Block Grant Hearing | HCR 3001 |
Congress Urged to Differentiate Hemp & Marijuana | HCR 3042 |
Congress Urged to Expand Industrial Hemp Growth & Use | HCR 3028 |
Congress Urged to Pass Agri Disaster Relief Package | HCR 3005 |
Const Amendment-legislator Appointment to State Office | HCR 3006 |
Const Amendment-legislator Appointment to State Office | HCR 3016 |
Const Amendment-legislator Appoint to State Office | HCR 3053 |
Const Amendment Permanent Oil Tax Trust Fund Transfer | HCR 3045 |
Constitutional Amendment-bank of North Dakota Approp Vote | HCR 3018 |
Constitutional Amendment-board of Higher Educ & Chancellor | HCR 3019 |
Constitutional Amendment-executive Branch Organization | HCR 3055 |
Constitutional Amendment-in-state Lottery | HCR 3052 |
Constitutional Amendment-legislative Session Days | HCR 3054 |
Constitutional Amendment-tax Increase Vote Requirement | HCR 3011 |
Con to Decouple Fed Mineral Royalty Rev Payments for Pilt | HCR 3037 |
Con Urged Not to Allow Canadian Cattle Over 30 Months Old | HCR 3033 |
Con Urged to Implement Country of Origin Label for Meat | HCR 3010 |
Con Urged to Poll Prod Before Change Beef Checkoff Rate | HCR 3007 |
Equal Rights Amendment Recognition Day | HCR 3032 |
House & Senate Employee Positions & Compensation | HCR 3015 |
Lake Sakakawea & River Low Water Disaster Urged | HCR 3017 |
Leg Council Human Resource Management Personnal Study | HCR 3064 |
Leg Council One-call Excavation Notice System Study | HCR 3026 |
Legislation Urged to Deny Benefits in Tax Haven Countries | HCR 3036 |
Legislative Council Child Custody & Visitation Study | HCR 3008 |
Legislative Council Child Custody, Visit, & Support Study | HCR 3004 |
Legislative Council City Extraterritorial Zoning Study | HCR 3059 |
Legislative Council Confined Animal Feeding Operations Study | HCR 3061 |
Legislative Council Crime Victims Compensation Study | HCR 3048 |
Legislative Council Dementia-related Services | HCR 3022 |
Legislative Council Domestic Violence Protect Order Study | HCR 3013 |
Legislative Council Education Cost Study | HCR 3012 |
Legislative Council Grain Inspection & Grading Study | HCR 3047 |
Legislative Council Healthy Lifestyles Study | HCR 3046 |
Legislative Council Human Service Funding Study | HCR 3041 |
Legislative Council Income Tax Employment Expansion Study | HCR 3057 |
Legislative Council Judicial Election & Selection Study | HCR 3002 |
Legislative Council Legislative Assembly Election Study | HCR 3051 |
Legislative Council Legislative Vacancies Study | HCR 3050 |
Legislative Council Missing Persons Study | HCR 3056 |
Legislative Council Missouri River Waters Study | HCR 3044 |
Legislative Council Nicotine in Cigarettes Study | HCR 3060 |
Legislative Council Population & Workforce Growth Study | HCR 3025 |
Legislative Council Potato Assessment Refunds Study | HCR 3034 |
Legislative Council Railroad Right of Way Study | HCR 3058 |
Legislative Council Renaissance Zone Study | HCR 3049 |
Legislative Council State-owned Oil Refinery Study | HCR 3009 |
Legislative Council Underage Drinking Problems Study | HCR 3062 |
Legislative Council Veterans' Services Delivery Study | HCR 3063 |
Military Basis & Units in North Dakota Support | HCR 3024 |
Miss Rodeo America 2007 Ashley Andrews | HCR 3030 |
Nafta Changes Urged | HCR 3040 |
Prescription Drug Affordability Support | HCR 3038 |
Renewable Energy Policy Declaration | HCR 3020 |
Restitution for Victims of Crime Act Urged | HCR 3031 |
Ronald Reagan Day Proclamation | HCR 3021 |
Taiwan Free Trade Agreement Urged | HCR 3039 |
Travel and Tourism Support | HCR 3029 |
House Memorial | |
House Memorial Resolution | HMR 7001 |
Senate Concurrent | |
Cardiovascular Disease Go Red Day | SCR 4012 |
Congress to Fund State Meat & Poultry Inspection | SCR 4007 |
Congress Urged to Address Missouri River Sediment Problems | SCR 4016 |
Congress Urged to Exempt Peace Garden Passport Requirements | SCR 4026 |
Congress Urged to Reauthorize Children's Health Ins Prog | SCR 4019 |
Conservation Security Program Full Funding Urged | SCR 4015 |
Const Amend-ethanol/biodiesel Content in Fuel at Retail | SCR 4009 |
Constitutional Amendment Permanent Oil Tax Trust Fund | SCR 4003 |
Constitutional Amendment-sheriff Term of Office | SCR 4023 |
Constitutional Amendment-single Public Serv Commissioner | SCR 4014 |
Energy Development on Outer Continental Shelf Urged | SCR 4001 |
Federal Health & Pharm Coverage for Veterans Homes Urged | SCR 4006 |
Iraq Peace and Disengagement Urged | SCR 4022 |
James D. Ployhar Memorialized | SCR 4010 |
Lc Independence for Young Adults With Mental Illness Study | SCR 4005 |
Lc Juvenile Court Act Personnel Responsibility Study | SCR 4004 |
Leg Council Bismarck State College Four-year Inst Study | SCR 4027 |
Leg Council Prop Tax & Political Sub Efficiencies Study | SCR 4031 |
Leg Council Public Housing Authority Tax Exemption Study | SCR 4013 |
Leg Council School Dist Reorganization & Dissolution Study | SCR 4030 |
Leg Council Timeshare Agreement Consumer Protection Study | SCR 4020 |
Legislative Council Child Welfare Services Study | SCR 4008 |
Legislative Council Gaming Commission Study | SCR 4011 |
Legislative Council High-risk Students Suicide Study | SCR 4032 |
Legislative Council Income Tax Laws Study | SCR 4021 |
Legislative Council Paternity Registry Study | SCR 4028 |
Legislative Council Services for Foster Care Youth Study | SCR 4025 |
Legislative Council State Hospital Transfer Study | SCR 4029 |
Legislative Council Universal Health Care Study | SCR 4024 |
Long-term Care Choice Support | SCR 4018 |
President Gerald R. Ford Honored | SCR 4002 |
Smith-lemil-opitz Syndrome Awareness Day | SCR 4034 |
Smoking Cessation & Avoidance Efforts | SCR 4017 |
Snow Angel Capital of the World | SCR 4035 |
Senate Memorial | |
Senate Memorial Resolution | SMR 8001 |