Major Topic Index - Resolutions

Category Bill
House Concurrent
Biotechnology and Genetic Research at Ndsu Urged HCR 3031
Block Grant Legislative Hearings HCR 3001
Congress to Provide Disaster Assistance for Farmers HCR 3009
Congress Urged to Act Regarding Head Start Program HCR 3076
Congress Urged to Allow Grazing in National Grasslands HCR 3010
Congress Urged to Allow Travel to Cuba HCR 3019
Congress Urged to Continue E-rate Program HCR 3079
Congress Urged to Eliminate Estate Tax HCR 3043
Congress Urged to Enact President's Tax Plan HCR 3044
Congress Urged to Enhance Missouri River Corridor Economy HCR 3036
Congress Urged to Improve Medicare Fairness and Uniformity HCR 3025
Congress Urged to Increase Medicare Reimbursement HCR 3028
Congress Urged to Limit Use of Federal Family Plan Funds HCR 3038
Constit Amend Leg Procedure for Initiative Measure Fiscal HCR 3069
Constitutional Amendment Discrim & Prefer Treatment Prohib HCR 3067
Constitutional Amendment Elected Officials Oath of Office HCR 3049
Constitutional Amendment - Executive Branch and St. Plng. Coun. HCR 3058
Constitutional Amendment - Initiated Measure Fiscal Impact HCR 3016
Constitutional Amendment Insurance Commissioner Name Change HCR 3030
Constitutional Amendment Judicial Rev of Governmental Acts HCR 3017
Constitutional Amendment - Legislative Redistrict & Terms HCR 3014
Constitutional Amendment - Senate Presiding Officer HCR 3057
Constitutional Amendment - Use of Public Funds HCR 3071
Dot Highway 281 Bypass Extension Urged HCR 3046
Federal Facility Improvements Urged for Lewis & Clark HCR 3041
Legislative Council Beverage Container Deposit Study HCR 3045
Legislative Council Childrens Health Ins & Med Asst Study HCR 3068
Legislative Council Civil Commitment Laws Study HCR 3034
Legislative Council Commercial Entities Laws Study HCR 3074
Legislative Council Credit Card Marketing Practices Study HCR 3029
Legislative Council Criminal Justice Process Study HCR 3037
Legislative Council Dentistry School Study HCR 3023
Legislative Council Dot Construction Arbitration Study HCR 3012
Legislative Council Economic Development Study HCR 3051
Legislative Council Electric Utility Property Tax Study HCR 3061
Legislative Council Emerging Leaders Exch Program Study HCR 3063
Legislative Council Executive Branch Emergency Powers HCR 3053
Legislative Council Health Ins for Child & Working Family Study HCR 3066
Legislative Council High-volume Grain Terminal Imp Study HCR 3018
Legislative Council Home Detention Study HCR 3008
Legislative Council Landscape Architect Laws Study HCR 3070
Legislative Council Medical Insurance Crisis Study HCR 3056
Legislative Council Meth Detox Facilities Study HCR 3032
Legislative Council Militia and National Guard Ref Study HCR 3033
Legislative Council Mining Company Land Use Study HCR 3075
Legislative Council Open Records and Disclosure Penalties Study HCR 3011
Legislative Council Population Growth Enhancement Study HCR 3072
Legislative Council Public Defender System Study HCR 3004
Legislative Council Public Health Unit Study HCR 3054
Legislative Council Remote-controlled Locomotives Study HCR 3064
Legislative Council Rural Community Revitalization Study HCR 3055
Legislative Council School District Data Study HCR 3052
Legislative Council Small Claims Court Study HCR 3059
Legislative Council Social Service Funding Study HCR 3003
Legislative Council State Use of E85 Fuel HCR 3026
Legislative Council Tax-exempt Property Impact Study HCR 3002
Legislative Council Tax Preferences Effectiveness Study HCR 3073
Legislative Council Unemployment Compensation System Study HCR 3060
Legislative Council Veterinary School Study HCR 3024
Legislative Council Vuln Adult Abuse & Neglect Study HCR 3062
Legislative Council Water Res Dist Offical Elect Study HCR 3065
Legislative Council Workers' Comp Death Benefits Study HCR 3050
Legislative Employee Compensation HCR 3007
Liberty Day Proclamation HCR 3035
Military Forces Constitutional Amendment HCR 3005
Missouri River Master Control Manual Fairness Urged HCR 3040
North Dakota Close-up Day Declaration HCR 3020
Northwest Venture Communities, Inc., Support HCR 3042
Property Tax Fairness Urged for Devils Lake Basin Inundated Land HCR 3078
Senators Urged to Support Judicial Nominee Miguel Estrada HCR 3077
Theodore Roosevelt Presidency Centennial Celebration HCR 3048
Usda Urged Not to Preempt State's Grain Warehouse Auth HCR 3021
Veterans Day Education Efforts HCR 3027
Water Project Interference Aggressive Response HCR 3039
Wind Power Development Objective for State HCR 3022
Yellowstone-missouri Confluence Visitors Center Name Change HCR 3047
House Memorial
House Memorial Resolution HMR 7001
Northwest Area Water Supply Project Legislative Support HCR 3015
Proposed Studies
Legislative Council State Highways System Vacation Study HCR 3013
Everett C Albers Honored for Humanities Efforts SR 6001
Senate Concurrent
Ag Secretary Urged to Implement Production Ins Program SCR 4005
Armed Forces Support and Honor SCR 4040
Bucky Maughan Congratulated on Wrestling Hall of Fame SCR 4038
College Internships by State Agencies Encouraged SCR 4020
Congress Urged to Create Wind Energy Production Tax Credit SCR 4025
Congress Urged to Enact Medicare Drug Benefit SCR 4023
Congress Urged to Fund Elk Damage From National Park SCR 4002
Congress Urged to Increase Medicare Reimbursement SCR 4028
Congress Urged to Provide Cost of Production Insurance SCR 4010
Congress Urged to Provide Disaster Relief for Farmers SCR 4004
Constitutional Amend - Corp Shareholder Votes & Rights SCR 4013
Constitutional Amend - Gift by State or Polit. Subdiv. SCR 4017
Constitutional Amendment - Tax Increase Vote Requirement SCR 4015
Constitutional Amend - Tobacco Settle Fund Water Use SCR 4031
Cuba Embargo End Urged SCR 4007
Darin Erstad World Series Victory Commended SCR 4024
Dollars for Scholars Program Commendation SCR 4006
Evan Lips Honored and Congratulated SCR 4039
Everett C Albers Honored SCR 4036
Legislative Assembly Water Project Construction Support SCR 4037
Legislative Council Bank and Mill Trust Fund Use Study SCR 4027
Legislative Council Consumer Report Information Study SCR 4019
Legislative Council Eco Dev Near Indian Reserv Study SCR 4035
Legislative Council Guardianship Study SCR 4008
Legislative Council Human Service Center Funding Study SCR 4001
Legislative Council Indian Issues Study SCR 4029
Legislative Council Law Enforcement Training Study SCR 4014
Legislative Council Medal of Honor Bridge Study SCR 4033
Legislative Council Motor Vehicle Lien Study SCR 4011
Legislative Council Perpetual Conservation Easements Study SCR 4032
Legislative Council Racial Issues in Higher Ed Study SCR 4034
Legislative Council Seed Commissioner & Seed Department SCR 4016
Legislative Council Snowmobile & Atv Dealer License Study SCR 4030
Legislative Council State Hospital Study SCR 4021
Legislative Council Tribal Game & Fish Coord. Study SCR 4022
No Child Left Behind Act Funding Urged SCR 4026
North Dakota Food Products Support SCR 4018
Tex Hall and Indian Leaders Commended SCR 4003
Usda Urged to Implement Conservation Security Program SCR 4009
Wind Power Development Objective SCR 4012
Senate Memorial
Senate Memorial Resolution SMR 8001
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