SB 2307 - Actions

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Chamber Description Version Roll Call Journal
01/20 Senate Introduced, first reading, referred to Judiciary 25.0552.04000 SJ 220
02/10 Senate Committee Hearing 02:30
02/19 Senate Reported back amended, do pass, amendment placed on calendar 6 1 0 25.0552.04003 A SJ 541
02/20 Senate Amendment adopted, placed on calendar 25.0552.05000 E SJ 547
02/20 Senate Amendment proposed on floor 25.0552.05001 A SJ 547
02/20 Senate Amendment adopted 25.0552.05001 A SJ 547
02/20 Senate Second reading, passed, yeas 27 nays 20 25.0552.06000 E
25.0552.06000 $
27-20-0 SJ 547
02/21 House Received from Senate HJ 756
02/25 House Introduced, first reading, referred to Judiciary 25.0552.06000 E
25.0552.06000 $
HJ 840
03/18 House Committee Hearing 09:00
03/18 House Reported back, do pass 12 1 1 HJ 988
03/18 House Rereferred to Appropriations 25.0552.06000 E
25.0552.06000 $
HJ 988