AN ACT to create and enact a new subdivision to subsection 2 of section 12-60-24, title 23.1, and subdivision v of subsection 1 of section 54-06-04 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the creation of the department of environmental quality, the transfer of duties and responsibilities of the state department of health relating to environmental quality to the department of environmental quality, and biennial reports of the department of environmental quality; to amend and reenact section 4-35.2-01, subdivision b of subsection 5 of section 6-09.4-03, sections 11-33-01, 11-33-02.1, and 11-33-22, subdivision d of subsection 2 of section 12.1-06.1-01, sections 15-05-16, 20.1-13-05, 20.1-17-01, and 23-01-02, subsection 8 of section 23-01.3-01, sections 23-20.2-02, 23-20.2-03, and 24-03-23, subsection 5 of section 28-32-50, sections 38-08-04.5, 38-11.1-03.1, 38-11.1-04.1, and 38-11.2-02, subsection 12 of section 38-14.1-03, subsection 2 of section 38-14.1-21, sections 38-22-07, 38-22-12, 40-47-01, 43-18-02, 43-18-09, 43-35-03, 43-35-19, 43-35-19.1, 43-35-19.2, 43-35-20, and 43-35-23, subsection 11 of section 43-48-03, sections 43-62-01 and 43-62-03, subsection 1 of section 43-62-15, subsection 3 of section 44-04-18.4, section 44-04-32, subsection 1 of section 54-07-01.2, subsection 3 of section 54-12-08, section 54-44.3-30, subsection 33 of section 57-43.2-01, sections 58-03-11, 58-03-11.1, and 58-03-17, subsection 13 of section 58-06-01, section 61-04.1-04, subsections 1 and 2 of section 61-28-02, subsection 2 of section 61-28.1-02, subsection 15 of section 61-28.1-03, subsection 2 of section 61-28.2-01, and sections 61-29-04, 61-33-09, and 61-35-24 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the transfer of duties and responsibilities of the state department of health to the department of environmental quality and the regulation of x-ray operators; to repeal chapters 19-10 and 19-16.1, sections 23-01-01.2, 23-01-04.1, 23-01-23, 23-01-30, and 23-01-36, chapters 23-20, 23-20.1, 23-20.3, 23-20.5, 23-25, 23-26, 23-29, 23-29.1, 23-31, 23-32, 23-33, 23-37, and 39-26, and sections 61-28-03 and 61-28-05 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the transfer of duties and responsibilities of the state department of health to the department of environmental quality; to provide a penalty; to provide a continuing appropriation; to provide for transition; and to provide an effective date.