A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 23.1-01, a new section to chapter 54-07, and a new section to chapter 61-03 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to standards for well drilling and installation of water well pumps, pitless units, and monitoring wells, a boards review task force, and requirements for firms engaged in water well work, installation of water well pump and pitless units, monitoring well work, and drilling of geothermal systems; to amend and reenact section 6-09-43, subdivision j of subsection 2 of section 15.1-01-04, sections 15.1-07-33 and 23-35-02.2, subsection 1 of section 50-06-01.4, sections 52-02-02 and 52-02-08, subsection 1 of section 54-07-01.2, sections 54-54-05, 54-59-26, 54-59-27, 54-59-34, 54-59-36, 54-59-37, 54-59-39, 61-03-01.3, 61-04.1-03, 61-04.1-08, 61-04.1-09, 61-04.1-12, 61-04.1-14, 61-04.1-15, 61-04.1-16, 61-04.1-17, 61-04.1-18, 61-04.1-19, 61-04.1-20, 61-04.1-21, 61-04.1-33, 61-04.1-34, 61-04.1-37, 61-04.1-38, and 61-04.1-39, and subdivision a of subsection 2 of section 65-02-03.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the wastewater recycling treatment guide, boards and commissions, the unemployment insurance advisory council, gubernatorial appointments, the committee on aging, health information technology advisory committee, statewide longitudinal data system committee, atmospheric resource board, the department of health and human services, the council on the arts, the state engineer, the superintendent of public instruction, job service North Dakota, and workforce safety and insurance coordinating committee; to repeal chapter 8-11.1, sections 12-48-06.1, 15.1-37-05, 15.1-37-06, and 15.1-37-08, chapter 17-07, sections 19-24.1-38, 19-24.1-39, and 23-35-02.3, chapters 34-16 and 43-35, sections 50-06-05.6, 50-06.4-10, 50-11.1-25, 50-11.1-26, 50-11.1-27, 52-02-07, 54-34.3-10, 54-54-10, 54-59-25, 54-59-33, 54-59-35, 54-59-38, 54-60-25, 55-01-13, 55-01-14, 61-04.1-04, 61-04.1-05, 61-04.1-06, 61-04.1-07, and 61-04.1-10, and chapter 61-36 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to occupational and professional boards, the midwest interstate passenger rail compact, prison industry advisory committee, energy policy commission, medical marijuana advisory committee, onsite wastewater recycling technical committee, state board of water well contractors, committee on aging, brain injury advisory council, early childhood council, unemployment insurance advisory council, commission on the status of women, health information technology advisory committee, poet laureate nominating board, rural development council, America 250 commission, atmospheric resource board, and Devils Lake outlet management advisory committee; to provide for a legislative management report; to provide an effective date; and to provide an expiration date.