62nd Legislative Assembly - Bills & Resolutions Index

62nd Legislative Assembly (2011-13)

Bills & Resolutions Index

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  • 1018
  • HB 1018
  • Bill
  • House
  • 201101
  • 62
  • Regular
  • Appropriations
  • House Appropriations
  • Failed
  • 20110412
  • Governor
  • Failed in House

HB 1018

  • A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the department of commerce; to create and enact section 10-30.5-13, a new chapter to title 17, three new sections to chapter 54-60, a new chapter to title 54, a new subdivision to subsection 7 of section 57-38-30.3, and a new section to chapter 57-38 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to a small business technology investment program, a biofuel blender pump incentive program, the internship fund, entrepreneurial centers development grants, an electronic portfolio program, centers of research excellence, and income tax credits for purchases of manufacturing machinery and equipment for the purpose of automating manufacturing processes; to amend and reenact sections 10-30.5-02, 15-69-01, 15-69-03, 15-69-04, and 15-69-05 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the North Dakota development fund, incorporated, and centers of excellence program; to repeal chapter 15-69 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the centers of excellence program; to provide for a legislative management study of population growth impact on revenues and reduction of flaring of natural gas; to provide a vaccinology initiative grant; to provide a continuing appropriation; to provide exemptions; to provide for transfers; to provide an effective date; to provide an expiration date; and to declare an emergency.


    Introduced by Appropriations

    Last Official Action

    Second reading, failed to pass, yeas 22 nays 69

    • 2015
    • SB 2015
    • Bill
    • Senate
    • 201101
    • 62
    • Regular
    • Appropriations
    • Senate Appropriations
    • Filed with Secretary of State
    • 20110519
    • Governor
    • Governor signed (Item veto)

    SB 2015

  • AN ACT to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the various divisions under the supervision of the director of the office of management and budget, the superintendent of public instruction, the state board of higher education, and the department of human services; to create and enact a new section to chapter 48-01.2, a new subdivision to subsection 1 of section 54-10-14, and a new section to chapter 54-27 of the North Dakota Century Code and a new section to House Bill No. 1185, a new section to Senate Bill No. 2083, and a new subdivision to subsection 6 of section 1 of House Bill No. 1438, as approved by the sixty-second legislative assembly, relating to public improvement bids and contracts, entities required to be audited by the state auditor, a report on federal grants, an emergency declaration, and an employer's prohibition on firearm possession; to amend and reenact section 39-02-03, subdivision a of subsection 2 of section 54-03-20, and sections 54-16-03.1 and 54-35-02.3 of the North Dakota Century Code and sections 1 and 8 of House Bill No. 1014 and sections 1 and 8 of House Bill No. 1020, as approved by the sixty-second legislative assembly, relating to the powers and duties of the director of the department of transportation, housing reimbursement for members of the legislative assembly, petitions to the emergency commission, legislative management employee benefits programs committee, appropriations for the industrial commission, and appropriations to the branch research centers; to provide an exemption; to provide for various transfers; to provide legislative intent; to provide for legislative management reports; and to declare an emergency.


    Introduced by Appropriations

    Last Official Action

    Filed with Secretary Of State 05/18

    • 2057
    • SB 2057
    • Bill
    • Senate
    • 201101
    • 62
    • Regular
    • Legislative Management
    • Legislative Management
    • Filed with Secretary of State
    • 20110519
    • Governor signed

    SB 2057

  • AN ACT to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the department of commerce; to create and enact section 10-30.5-13, a new chapter to title 17, two new sections to chapter 54-60, a new chapter to title 54, a new subdivision to subsection 7 of section 57-38-30.3, and a new section to chapter 57-38 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to a small business technology investment program, a biofuel blender pump incentive program, the internship fund, an electronic portfolio program, centers of research excellence, and income tax credits for purchases of manufacturing machinery and equipment for the purpose of automating manufacturing processes; to amend and reenact sections 10-30.5-02, 15-69-01, 15-69-03, 15-69-04, and 15-69-05 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the North Dakota development fund, incorporated, and centers of excellence program; to repeal chapter 15-69 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the centers of excellence program; to provide for a legislative management study; to provide a vaccinology initiative grant; to provide a continuing appropriation; to provide exemptions; to provide for transfers; to provide legislative intent; to provide an effective date; to provide an expiration date; and to declare an emergency.


    Introduced by Legislative Management

    Last Official Action

    Filed with Secretary Of State 05/05

    • 2109
    • SB 2109
    • Bill
    • Senate
    • 201101
    • 62
    • Regular
    • Government and Veterans Affairs
    • Senate Government and Veterans Affairs
    • Filed with Secretary of State
    • 20110425
    • Public Employees Retirement System Board
    • Governor signed

    SB 2109

  • AN ACT to amend and reenact section 15-10-17, subsection 6 of section 39-03.1-11, sections 39-03.1-11.2 and 39-03.1-14.1, subsection 3 of section 54-52-02.1, section 54-52-03, subsections 3 and 6 of section 54-52-17, sections 54-52-27 and 54-52-28, subsection 3 of section 54-52.1-03, and subsection 3 of section 54-52.6-09 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to special annuity purchases in the alternate retirement program for university system employees, surviving spouse payment options under the highway patrolmen's retirement plan, calculation of member service credit under the highway patrolmen's retirement plan, election of members to the public employees retirement system board, calculation of normal retirement date for peace officers and correctional officers under the public employees retirement system, payment of member account balances under the public employees retirement system, purchase of sick leave credit under the public employees retirement system, spousal elections to participate in the uniform group insurance program, reporting of employer pickups under the defined contribution retirement plan, and Internal Revenue Code compliance under the highway patrolmen's retirement plan and the public employees retirement system.


    Introduced by Government And Veterans Affairs

    Last Official Action

    Filed with Secretary Of State 04/25

    • 2150
    • SB 2150
    • Bill
    • Senate
    • 201101
    • 62
    • Regular
    • Flakoll
    • Delmore, Hawken, R. Kelsch
    • Flakoll, Holmberg, O'Connell
    • Filed with Secretary of State
    • 20110519
    • Governor signed

    SB 2150

  • AN ACT to create and enact a new section to chapter 6-09, a new section to chapter 15.1-09.1, four new sections to chapter 15.1-18.2, two new sections to chapter 15.1-21, and a new section to chapter 15.1-27 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to required transfers, regional education associations, the professional development advisory committee, North Dakota scholarships, and state aid; to amend and reenact sections 15.1-07-33, 15.1-09.1-02, 15.1-21-02.1, 15.1-21-02.4, 15.1-21-02.5, 15.1-21-02.6, 15.1-21-08, 15.1-21-18, 15.1-21-19, 15.1-22-01, 15.1-22-02, 15.1-27-03, 15.1-27-03.1, 15.1-27-04, 15.1-27-07.2, 15.1-27-11, 15.1-27-23, 15.1-27-35.3, 15.1-36-02, and 15.1-37-01, subsection 1 of section 15.1-37-02, and section 15.1-37-03 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to technology, regional education associations, curriculum requirements, assessments, scholarships, kindergartens, student consultations, state aid, school construction funding, and early childhood education, care, and services; to repeal section 5 of this Act and sections 15.1-18.2-01, 15.1-18.2-02, 15.1-18.2-03, and 15.1-27-15 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to professional development and isolated schools; to provide an appropriation; to provide for compensation increases, transition payments, and the distribution of transportation grants, alternative middle school grants, and rapid enrollment growth grants; to provide for legislative management studies and reports; to provide an effective date; to provide an expiration date; and to declare an emergency.


    Introduced by Flakoll, Holmberg, O'Connell, Delmore, Hawken, R. Kelsch

    Last Official Action

    Filed with Secretary Of State 05/11

    • 2174
    • SB 2174
    • Bill
    • Senate
    • 201101
    • 62
    • Regular
    • Nething
    • Dekrey
    • Nething
    • Filed with Secretary of State
    • 20110419
    • Governor signed

    SB 2174

  • AN ACT to create and enact subsection 6 to section 10-01.1-06, sections 10-15-51.1 and 10-15-52.7, subsection 12 to section 10-15-54, and sections 10-15-57.1, 10-15-57.2, and 45-21-04.3 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to listing of commercial registered agents, cooperative associations, corporations, limited liability companies, nonprofit corporations, limited partnerships, and general partnerships; and to amend and reenact sections 10-06.1-17 and 10-15-08.1, subsection 37 of section 10-19.1-01, subsection 4 of section 10-19.1-10, sections 10-19.1-13 and 10-19.1-31, subsection 2 of section 10-19.1-51, section 10-19.1-52, subsection 2 of section 10-19.1-58, subsection 1 of section 10-19.1-68, subsection 2 of section 10-19.1-70, subsection 1 of section 10-19.1-73, subsection 2 of section 10-19.1-84, subsection 1 of section 10-19.1-104, section 10-19.1-141, subsection 2 of section 10-19.1-146, sections 10-19.1-147 and 10-19.1-149, subsection 39 of section 10-32-02, sections 10-32-07, 10-32-09, and 10-32-10, subsection 1 of section 10-32-40, subsection 2 of section 10-32-51, section 10-32-68, subsection 2 of section 10-32-87, section 10-32-88, subsection 2 of section 10-32-94, subsection 1 of section 10-32-108, sections 10-32-144 and 10-32-150, subsection 5 of section 10-32-152, section 10-32-153, subsection 27 of section 10-33-01, subsections 3 and 4 of section 10-33-06, section 10-33-10, subsections 1, 2, and 3 of section 10-33-15, sections 10-33-26 and 10-33-28, subsection 2 of section 10-33-38, sections 10-33-39 and 10-33-43, subsection 2 of section 10-33-44, subsection 2 of section 10-33-46, sections 10-33-49, 10-33-51, and 10-33-52, subsection 2 of section 10-33-54, subsection 11 of section 10-33-84, subsection 2 of section 10-33-87, section 10-33-94, subsection 3 of section 10-33-98, section 10-33-134, subsection 1 of section 10-33-140, sections 10-33-142, 10-35-33, 45-10.2-10, 45-10.2-85, and 45-10.2-87, subsection 15 of section 45-10.2-109, section 45-10.2-112, subsection 3 of section 45-22-03, and sections 45-22-04, 45-22-16, 45-22-24, and 45-23-03 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to annual reports of corporate limited liability company farms, cooperative associations, business corporations, limited liability companies, nonprofit corporations, publicly traded corporations, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, and limited liability limited partnerships.


    Introduced by Nething, Dekrey

    Last Official Action

    Filed with Secretary Of State 04/19

    • 2371
    • SB 2371
    • Bill
    • Senate
    • 201102
    • 62
    • Special
    • Wardner
    • Carlson, Delzer, Vigesaa
    • Wardner, Christmann, Hogue
    • Filed with Secretary of State
    • 20111114
    • Governor signed

    SB 2371

  • AN ACT to create and enact a new section to chapter 6-09 and a new subsection to section 39-12-02 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the establishment of a rebuilders loan program and to special permits for vehicles of excessive size and weight; to amend and reenact subsection 5 of section 57-35.3-05 and subsections 1 and 5 of section 57-38-01.32 of the North Dakota Century Code, section 4 of chapter 12 of the 2011 Session Laws, and subsection 4 of section 10 of chapter 12 of the 2011 Session Laws, relating to financial institutions tax and income tax credits for contributions to the housing incentive fund, department of transportation borrowing authority for emergency relief projects, and the county and township road reconstruction program; to provide for a rebuilders loan program, principal reduction grants, a flood-impacted political subdivision infrastructure development grant program, road grade raising grants, oil and gas impact grant funding enhancement, and transportation funding enhancement; to provide for transfers; to provide appropriations; to provide contingent appropriations and transfers; to provide a continuing appropriation; to provide statements of legislative intent; to provide for a study; to provide for retroactive application; to provide an effective date; and to provide an expiration date.


    Introduced by Wardner, Christmann, Hogue, Carlson, Delzer, Vigesaa

    Last Official Action

    Filed with Secretary Of State 11/11